Example sentences of "[noun] [adv prt] [prep] [noun sg] [pers pn] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 just want the job , to suit you if you wa , if you want to go and pick your kids up from school you 'd think that oh why should we do work today , you know , let somebody else do it !
2 With Ellie out of action she will shortly be welcoming a new team chasing prospect to her stable — a 16. lhh black Thoroughbred racehorse called Badger .
3 If you filled this room up with toluene it would stop here for the rest of its days , something like that , you know what I mean .
4 In the updraughts of cliffs or when following boats out to sea they can fly with barely a movement of their wings and thus make ideal subjects for study ( Figure 7 ) .
5 ‘ Yes , but — well , with one of your two anchors out of commission you 'd start drifting , would n't you ? ’
6 Rather than declining offers out of hand it may be appropriate to decline offers as they stand but to suggest that potential purchasers may wish to reconsider their offers ( or perhaps certain aspects of their offers ) in the light of further information .
7 You hardly ever see a motor cyclist these days you know unless he 's got an L plate up of course you ca n't get passed because of the erm
8 Chuckles of delight greeted his suggestion that ‘ as the Microsoft monopoly puts programmers out of business they can move to writing objectware for NeXT . ’
9 I can , the only time off in lieu you can take is , is D and D time .
10 and one woman said that the year , nineteen twenty one she was a bride of eighteen years old and she took Good Housekeeping and she 's got the whole lot although she 's now a very old lady , and she said my first lot of housekeeping was done in a house in Wales where we had water from the well we had to build the fires up by hand we could get Welsh coal cheaply but they had to you know use paper and kindle and we swept with brooms and my life has never been easier she said I had three children in four years and my life has never been easier she said and all these modern things came in life has got more and more complicated and difficult !
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