Example sentences of "[noun] [vb -s] much the same [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 However , there is also in English a more substantial effect on linguistic form for all the separatives ; they are ungrammatical in predicative position , even when qualifying the same nouns that they can accompany fully acceptably in attributive position : ( 47 ) the king is/will be future fortunately , Dostoievsky 's execution was mock Likewise , in the attributive phrases in ( 48 ) , possible and occasional are separative , qualifying the relationship between the entity of the noun phrase and the descriptions RIVAL and SAILORS respectively , rather than directly qualifying the entity itself : ( 48 ) a possible rival now came on the scene Wilkes and Andersen are occasional sailors ( the last pair of words has much the same meaning as the phrase week-end sailors ) .
2 Nevertheless Paine makes much the same point as Rousseau in his contention , in Rights of Man , that :
3 The ages range from 4300 Ma to 4900 Ma , and dust from maria sites displays much the same range as dust from highland sites .
4 Curiously , Houghton makes no reference to McClellan , although his work covers much the same ground .
5 Today the express coach has much the same sort of function In the first years of the century the number of interurbans grew rapidly .
6 Both resolve to wait until the GP has performed the pregnancy test before telling anyone , even though the GP 's pregnancy test uses much the same sort of chemistry as the commercial one and is hardly more reliable or definitive .
7 The fact that ‘ emergency cases ’ apart , no medical treatment of an adult patient of full capacity can be undertaken without his consent , creates a situation in which the absence of consent has much the same effect as a refusal .
8 Another leading art director tells much the same story .
9 And , in the twentieth century , revisionism occupies much the same place in the Soviet Russian construction of Marxism as did heresy in the medieval church .
10 Mr Irvine has much the same difficulty within AT&T as the management does .
11 Such a clause has much the same effect as one which excludes liability for breach and in Anglo-Continental Holidays Ltd v Typaldos Lines ( London ) Ltd [ 1967 ] 2 Lloyd 's Rep 61 Lord Denning MR indicated that he would not be prepared to allow a party to rely on such a clause to change the whole nature of the contract .
12 Uzuncarsili follows much the same line , though perhaps in an attempt to salvage something of the Taskopruzade/Mecdi story he suggests in effect that in that story Mehmed I ( 1413–21 ) should be read for Bayezid I : he thus concludes that Molla Fenari left for Karaman either in the confused period following Ankara or in the time of Mehmed I , in the manner described by Taskopruzade .
13 ‘ The training year follows much the same pattern as the conventional academic year , with the main intakes arriving at the beginning of the spring , summer and autumn terms and passing out after the respective twenty-eight- or forty-four-week courses .
14 The Salvadorean Feminine Front pursues much the same line with vitriolic attacks on the United States and the armed forces for imposing a provisional president ( Alvaro Magana ) after the March 1982 elections , who was not the ARENA candidate .
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