Example sentences of "[noun] [vb -s] an [adj] [noun] with " in BNC.

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1 DEC has an existing relationship with Molecular Simulations and a similar one with Molecular Design Ltd , which offers chemistry database products for the VAX .
2 Billy Arjan Singh has an amazing rapport with big cats .
3 The department has an academic link with the Nanjing Institute of Meteorology in China .
4 The " I " figure assumes an intimate relationship with his implied audience .
5 This photograph makes an interesting comparison with those of Napoleonic period jackets in Glenn Steppler 's series of articles in ‘ MI ’ Nos.20 , 21 and 22 .
6 Yet the plan represents an important break with the past .
7 Owen Rees displays an enviable acquaintance with potential sources of indigenous origin for the texts chosen by composers ( or their employers or patrons ) for setting .
8 The village has an active community with several local organisations , including a branch of the Yorkshire Countrywomen 's Association .
9 If the conservatory has an outside wall with a gas supply nearby , you could have a fitted heater .
10 In its simplest use , the computer sits in a corner and each child has an individual session with relevant material ; so inevitably only a short time would normally be available .
11 Sally Hepburn , Tournament Secretary of the Ladies ' Golf Union at St.Andrews has an annual meeting with her neighbours , the Royal and Ancient Golf Club , to sort through the maze of men 's and women 's British amateur events , and admits that it is a task that grows harder each season .
12 ‘ Each parent has an individual relationship with their child , and that is always worth improving , ’ they say .
13 The Honda has metallic paint as standard while Rover fits an anti-theft alarm with engine immobiliser as standard .
14 The whole body turns an intense orange with the dorsal fin lemon yellow and the throat and anal fin a brilliant blue .
15 Delta has an integrated system with capabilities for student administrative functions such as scheduling , grading , attendance and alumni development .
16 Boswell 's portrait of Johnson at Dunvegan shows an elderly man with the snuffles , easily tired , and happy to savour some of the comforts of home .
17 Everyone sits quietly in the room and the leader draws an imaginary circle with a finger and says ‘ Here I have the wonderful magic circle and I sign it with a dot .
18 Once again Mining traded profitably and exceeded its budget during 1992 although the opencast coal business faces an uncertain future with the Government Review of the Coal Industry under way .
19 On this basis it could be argued that companies should indeed be regarded as purely private organisations , and that state intervention in their internal affairs constitutes an improper interference with the moral rights of the participants .
20 Swallowed saliva is now regarded as an important mechanism for neutralising acid within the oesophageal lumen and esophageal pH exhibits an incremental increase with repeated swallows .
21 16 ( — ) UNLAWFUL ENTRY : Ray Liotta plays an obsessive maniac with a charming smile who terrorises an unsuspecting couple .
22 The horse-shoe shaped beach has an underwater shrine with a statue of the Virgin in the Rock , the island 's patron saint .
23 ‘ I understand that Cook has an excellent relationship with the butcher .
24 This is because the church has an asymmetrical plan with a single southern aisle rather than the more usual arrangement of south and north aisles flanking a central nave .
25 Jody forms an instant bond with sad-eyed Fergus ( Rea ) , a friendship made in the knowledge that Fergus must kill him .
26 Rather than rejecting objectionable discourses past and present , this approach entails an unstable coexistence with that which it contests , and it manifests this textually as the parodic adulteration , manipulation , or ‘ doctoring ’ of another 's language .
27 Mannyng invites an emotional identification with the event to give rise to a spiritual act : In the full translation by Nicholas Love , the whole story of the Incarnation integrated with comment from Patristic sources ( and especially from Bernard of Clairvaux ) was schematised into sections for meditation through the week .
28 Bank of England : Albion Bank maintains an operational account(s) with Britain 's central bank in order to meet its cash requirements , settle interbank debts arising from customer cheque transactions and any debts due to the government .
29 We will ensure that the Parliament becomes an effective partner with the Council in law-making , exercising in full the power of ‘ co-decision ’ .
30 As with other long-term agreements , a record company demands an exclusive contract with its recording artists .
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