Example sentences of "[noun] [vb -s] a high [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 The University receives a high proportion of applications from candidates offering BTEC qualifications and Republic of Ireland Leaving Certificate .
2 The Christian has a high view of man .
3 Th they 're our largest exporter er there 's inter-company sales which would gen can generate quite useful profits since they get sold on both of er Penguin companies er and Longman of course has a high content of erm er of er non-U K sales and Addison Wesley also er I mean Camco was the most international , but it 's erm not er it 's not an exporter in sterling denominated terms .
4 Employers ' competition for scarce labour produces a high turnover of staff .
5 The nature of the work means that the industry has a high risk of accident and injury , so safe working practices are imperative .
6 Firstly , Naville argues , like Joan Woodward , that automation allows a high degree of autonomy to the system of social organisation of the plant .
7 In particular , British industry buys a high proportion of its integrated circuits or ‘ chips ’ — the components at the heart of virtually all electronic machinery — from abroad .
8 These can be very effective if your talk requires a high degree of visual impact .
9 His work has a high degree of finish and gloss .
10 Already the vehicle contains a high proportion of recycled metal ( steel and aluminium ) , with zinc only used where absolutely necessary .
11 At the Brown River in southern New Guinea , 83 coexisting bird species were examined : resource partitioning allows a high number of frugivore species ( few mammals there ) and there is a size range among them .
12 The vagueness accommodates a high degree of self-protection , whether it be deliberate or coincidental .
13 One-to-one teaching is tiring for both learner and teacher , as the session requires a high degree of concentration from both .
14 To produce computers that can be used interchangeably with IBM requires a high level of technical capability .
15 It must be understood that such a programme of withdrawal requires a high level of support , from the counsellor , the counsellee 's family and friends , and from any group to which the counsellee is attached .
16 Lack of spontaneity suggests a high degree of calculation , looking at a situation as if one was not really part of it .
17 The prime advantages are that a group develops a high level of cohesiveness and a high regard for its task functions .
18 This enzyme exhibits a high degree of substrate specificity ( NO is not produced from D-arginine ) and is dependent on several cofactors , among which are Ca 2 + , calmodulin , and reduced nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide phosphate .
19 The carcass has a high proportion of meat to bone and the meat is well marbled .
20 This fast food establishment has a high turn-over of staff .
21 The triangle formed by nodes 1 , 2 and 3 is iterated until there is agreement between marketing and R&D that such a product has a high probability of being ( a ) feasible and ( b ) viable and that measurable objectives have been unambiguously recorded .
22 Sound travels better in water than in air , and as the fish 's body contains a high proportion of water within it , the sound waves penetrate the skull and reach the semicircular canals without the aid of the special passage needed by vertebrates that live in air .
23 This post demands a high level of commitment in dealing with individual companies seeking sites and premises on a confidential basis .
24 Church architecture of the medieval period demonstrates a high level of awareness of the effect of form on consciousness .
25 As a result the business class as a whole exhibits a high degree of integration and social cohesion … .
26 I raise this matter also because my constituency has a high percentage of unfit housing .
27 Membership of the Codex committees includes a high proportion of commercial interests , with little balancing representation from public interest groups .
28 Seven out of the nine are listed in Lister 's catalogue raisonné as being untraceable , and the exhibition as a whole includes a high proportion of works not seen on the market for some years .
29 This filling gives a high level of insulation and offers good internal stability .
30 It could be argued , in fact , that being indifferent to the consequences of one 's actions indicates a high degree of contempt for ( other ) people .
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