Example sentences of "[noun] [vb -s] a important [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 16.14 In chapter 7 we say that literature plays an important role in improving abilities in speaking and listening , and in writing , as well as in reading .
2 The platelet plays an important role in interacting with the coagulation system and certain intrinsic coagulation reactions occur preferentially on the platelet surface which appears to protect coagulation enzymes from inactivation by plasma proteinases and localises fibrin formation within and around the platelet plug ( Walsh , 1981 ) .
3 Consumer protection represents an important plank in the evolving structure of Community law and several Directives have been issued in this field , including Directives relating to consumer credit and doorstep transactions .
4 Dealing between GEMMs plays an important part in the maintenance of an efficient and liquid market .
5 Machine knitting plays an important part in stimulating the residents ' creative talents and a small textile workshop has been set up with some encouraging results .
6 Subjective ( human ) judgement plays an important role in executive decision making .
7 Calcium plays an important role in the recovery of the rod outer segment to its dark state by regulating the resynthesis of cGMP by guanylate cyclase .
8 The material form of the surplus-product has an important bearing upon this .
9 Income has an important effect upon your life chances : for example the chance of owning your own house and your life expectancy .
10 Market research plays an important part in the planning of any new retail outlet ; it may also help a retailer decide what products to stock .
11 As discussed below , several lines of evidence suggest that the N-Oct 3/brain 2 protein plays an important role during brain development .
12 Furthermore , sometimes the government expressly delegates public administrative functions to non-governmental bodies : for example , under the Financial Services Act 1986 the Securities and Investments Board exercises a wide range of regulatory functions delegated to it by the Secretary of State ; the Board of Deputies of British Jews plays an important role in policing certain Sunday Trading laws ; the Wood Green Animal Shelter in North London runs the government 's computerized register of fighting dogs ; and the Rowntree Trust ( a private charitable organization ) administers the Family Fund ( a public fund to assist families of severely handicapped children ) .
13 It has been recently shown that leukocyte accumulation within the mucosal blood vessels plays an important role in the pathogenesis of indomethacin induced gastropathy .
14 Just to ask them whether or not religion plays an important part in their life does not get us very far .
15 Religion plays an important part in the lives of thousands of millions of people .
16 Healthy eating plays an important role in CCG 's service as Mike Queen commented , ‘ We are currently building upon the Council 's existing healthy eating policies and are using their Herbie cartoon character to help promote healthy eating to the pupils . ’
17 The mission programme plays an important part in increasing local companies ' awareness of export potential and rewards .
18 This rapid glimpse of some of the principal sectors of the information industry emphasises an important point about multimedia .
19 This research forms an important part of the preparation and planning of any large commercial organization : it is conducted at several stages of the planning of a new product or service , and has reached a very high level of sophistication and accuracy .
20 Graham Swift 's Waterland ( 1983 ) shows the appropriateness of this idiom even within the South-East of England , providing a setting can be found which is remote enough to establish the ‘ contesting of centralisation of culture through the valuing of the local and peripheral ’ , which Linda Hutcheon considers an important constituent of postmodernism ( Hutcheon 1988 : 61 ) .
21 Nevertheless judicial review remains an important process for curing illegality .
22 The Kunsthalle possesses an important group of Beckmann 's otherwise widely dispersed paintings , and the author centres his introduction to the expressionist 's complex imagery on this particular body of work .
23 Yet the plan represents an important break with the past .
24 As we know , exercise plays an important part in any diet/exercise routine , but the key thing is that all exercise is not the same .
25 Clearly the identification of blocks represents an important area of work within the counselling process , and when successfully tackled can reveal a wealth of information , and the reason and meaning behind much previously misunderstood behaviour .
26 Clearly the total amount of information in a stimulus plays an important role in recognition , however , it is not likely to be the sole determinant of P(A) .
27 Also the liver plays an important part in the clearance and excretion of glycoproteins , and the functional state of the liver , particularly the liver endothelial cells , can lead to a poor metabolism of laminin .
28 This body of work represents an important stage in the development of documentary photography , and it is certainly the achievement that Thomson is most remembered for .
29 This issue constitutes an important aspect of the design of integrated systems , and one that is discussed more fully in Chapter Seven .
30 Thus the way in which a particular individual came to the decision to seek help has an important bearing on what happens subsequently .
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