Example sentences of "[noun] [vb -s] a great [noun sg] to " in BNC.

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1 The Department owes a great deal to Noel Thomas and it is a measure of his success as Chairman that when at the end of the 1989 academic year he handed over the hot seat to Angus Easson , the latter 's first task was one of consolidation .
2 → I would add to N B Cherry 's letter by saying that of course modern guitar design owes an awful lot to the pioneer designs of the ‘ 40s and '50s in very much the same sort of way that the modern motor car owes a great deal to its predecessors — that is to say , four wheels , petrol driven internal combustion engine etc. , etc. , you get my drift .
3 In this case , the term does a great disservice to horses .
4 ‘ York Castle Museum has a great appeal to visitors from both sides of the Atlantic , ’ said Dr Andy Hodges , director of the York Castle Museum .
5 Obviously , contemporary interest in Leapor owes a great deal to a general shift in eighteenth century studies .
6 I would argue that the persuasive force of these statements owes a great deal to their teleological format .
7 Unless disposed of with great care , landfilling of hazardous waste poses a great threat to the community — the contamination of soil , groundwater and drinking supplies with chemicals dangerous to human health .
8 ‘ Adequate resources would have to include extra staff , as this shortage contributes a great deal to our lack of staff training , i.e. the staff we have are all needed to run the service ’ …
9 ‘ Extra staff , as this shortage contributes a great deal to our lack of staff training ’ .
10 Good food control contributes a great deal to good weight control .
11 Different sociologists have adopted these different views , and others fall in between , but it is certain that any theory of stratification owes a great debt to Marx 's account of classes , even if the sociologist ends up rejecting Marx as mistaken or overtaken by history .
12 The contempt of urban , middle-class educators for rural peasants was barely concealed : ‘ the psychological attitude of the Iranian villagers creates a great obstacle to rural reconstruction ’ .
13 On the other hand , it leads to the admission that in so far as all linguistic theories are provisional and incomplete ( particularly in the sphere of semantics ) , even the best-informed linguistic analysis leaves a great deal to be desired .
14 Nevin makes a great run to the byline but his flick-back is missed in a goalmouth scramble by Malkin and John Aldridge before the keeper falls on the ball .
15 I will see that happening , but it is the freedom of schools to choose that is all important , and there are some particular elements of expertise which are not available to schools because it 's not available centrally , and I believe that giving schools their budgets goes a great way to meeting this .
16 Reading a paragraph in front of others offers a great opportunity to both provoke and control anxiety .
17 Clearly , the special character of the National Health Service structure owes a great deal to the strength of special interests , though its reorganization in the 1970s owed much to ‘ managerial ’ thinking .
18 However , in a reference to the territorial claim in the Irish Constitution to Northern Ireland , Mr Reynolds said : ‘ The present Irish constitutional position means a great deal to the nationalist community in Northern Ireland .
19 Paying tribute to him a colleague said today : ‘ He was a man of the highest integrity and his death represents a great loss to the Northern Ireland legal system . ’
20 The expansion of middle-income purchasing power owes a great deal to England 's unique rate of urban growth .
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