Example sentences of "[noun] [vb -s] a [adj] number of " in BNC.

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1 The University offers a limited number of awards for the MSc by Research to UK and EC applicants , but does not offer awards for taught postgraduate courses ( e.g. MSc or Diploma ) .
2 And the reason for this is that usually the male has a vast number of sex cells and consequently can afford to compete er for er female cells to fertilize .
3 The park has a small number of wild rabbits , but Mr Weston said these were certainly not from that population .
4 The brand covers a large number of DOC vineyards .
5 But the electromagnetic field has an infinite number of variables , one for each point in spacetime .
6 The University has a substantial number of self-contained furnished flats for letting to small groups of students .
7 Within the area of segmental phonology the most obvious type of difference is where one accent has a different number of phonemes ( and hence of phonemic contrasts ) from another .
8 Gateshead has a large number of low-income families and has traditionally had a poor participation rate in further and higher education .
9 The complex nature of policy provision for many policy arenas involves a large number of actors in local authorities , central government , voluntary , bodies , pressure groups , inter-governmental bodies , local authority associations , professional bodies and so on ( see Hambleton , 1986 ) .
10 My borough has a large number of refugees , and I am concerned that the Bill may enable some authorities to avoid any responsibility for refugees .
11 To evaluate those opposing recommendations , scientists at Ball State University in the United States studies a large number of marathon runners .
12 This umbrella term covers a large number of different therapies , which concentrate strongly on the ‘ wholeness ’ of a person and their potential for good .
13 Other uses : Cotton wool has a diverse number of other household uses which include :
14 The College has a limited number of bursaries .
15 The ancient conception has enormous ethical and intellectual scope but applies to only a few people ; the modern conception concerns a limited number of protective arrangements which concern every member of society .
16 Each department takes a different number of outlooks and takes them from different sources .
17 Later , after Picasso had denied any knowledge of African art in the Enquête sur l'Art Négre conducted by the review Action in 1920 , Paul Guillaume , the first Parisian art-dealer to become interested in African and other primitive sculptures as works of art , wrote : ‘ Picasso owns a certain number of pieces of very different origins ; he makes a pretence of attaching no importance to their chronology . ’
18 The decline shown in Table 3.9 was continuous , although the net figure conceals a considerable number of births .
19 This is a state where the arms industry provides a large number of jobs .
20 Studies undertaken to observe browsing in the shelf consultation show that the user handles a limited number of items in the process and ultimately selects but a few .
21 If the council receives a large number of letters about a development , this will give it an idea of the strength of feeling involved and it is much better than a petition .
22 Of non-flowering plants , it has been argued that ferns have a lower associated insect fauna , though it has long been known that bracken has a large number of associated arthropods .
23 At the Brown River in southern New Guinea , 83 coexisting bird species were examined : resource partitioning allows a high number of frugivore species ( few mammals there ) and there is a size range among them .
24 The WJEC is also unique in its function as an examining board , for while England possesses a substantial number of examining boards , for GCE , CSE and technical examinations respectively , the WJEC is the only one which examines at all three levels .
25 The so-called ‘ alternative ’ or ‘ complementary ’ medical scene embraces a large number of different ideas , theories and treatments , many of which appear to be in conflict with each other .
26 This Act embraces a vast number of persons holding public office of a specified sort ; it is amended regularly as new offices are created and persons appointed to them .
27 Just as the organisational chart of Average Borough Town Hall shows a growing number of units and horizontal spidery lines , so too we have seen an enormous growth in the number of soft and hard systems that have found their way into the Town Hall , with or without consultation or approval from the local IT department .
28 The test repeats a large number of operations that , as far as possible , do not involve any mathematical operations .
29 The industry is also interested in signing up people in Brazil to write programs ( Brazil boasts a large number of Japanese emigres ) .
30 The process happens a precise number of days after flowering , and , if this has not occurred or been finished when the fruit is harvested , it will not ripen a jot more , whatever a street vendor swears .
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