Example sentences of "[noun] [vb -s] [to-vb] [noun] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Cotswold Wildlife Park aspires to show animals to people — so that they can come to understand and respect all forms of wildlife ; to understand what is special about each species , and how the various species have evolved and adapted over very long periods of time , adjusting and changing to survive in habitats from many parts of the earth .
2 Efficiency of operations has to give way to inventiveness and creativity .
3 MacQuillan was n't only talking about getting the British out of Northern Ireland , he was using HM Supplies to channel money to terrorist groups .
4 Pakistan agrees to send troops to Saudi Arabia .
5 Editor , — It is recommended that health care workers in all departments should protect the mucous membranes of their eyes from blood splashes to avoid exposure to HIV and hepatitis .
6 Sainsbury refuses to give cash to education or to the NHS .
7 But chemistry has to give way to physics .
8 Apart from a notable solo in the Finale , the flute section these days seems to prefer crescendos to decrescendos .
9 The Tilford Bach Festival continues to pay homage to J.S. Bach and his contemporaries in a church ideally suited to Baroque music , and a village little changed in appearance since Barbara Gregory and Denys Darlow had their inspired vision 40 years ago .
10 Moreover , given the open-ended nature of this phrase and the already existing divergence of opinion among the national courts as to how those words are to be interpreted , this would seem to be a classic situation for the UK courts to give effect to Community law by interpretation of the national law so as to achieve congruence between the national and the Community norms .
11 The Central TV series has ended now , but a new tourist video aims to give visitors to Morse 's Oxford some clues to his old haunts .
12 After that BR hopes to continue electrification to Swindon and beyond .
13 The centre agrees to provide access to staff from SCOTVEC and from appropriate national agencies in the interests of the monitoring of national provision and national standards .
14 The White House declined to confirm or deny reports that the Bosnian president , Alija Izetbegovic , had sent an appeal to President Bill Clinton for US airdrops to get supplies to Muslims trapped in eastern Bosnia .
15 Coach tours proliferated and so did specially-chartered trains to take holiday-makers to destinations in their own countries or abroad .
16 Univel expects to see $20m to $30m out of this crowd in the first year .
17 Charles flies to break news to sons at school
18 The project seeks to combine attention to economics and the human advantages of the redesigning of work .
19 The Fine Chemicals and Medicinals Groups continues to provide money to schools under the Small Grants Scheme ( up to the value of £500 ) for the purchase of equipment to carry out chemistry-related projects in schools .
20 As a result of his veto , the company stands to lose £50,000 to £60,000 .
21 The charge that Braudel fails to relate événements to structures is , as we saw , amply justified ; but it comes to seem less destructive once we think of holists and individualists as engaged in separate projects .
22 Dedicated football fan that he is , Anderson attempts to give advice to Crisp and Broadbent in a long and excited utterance , but this is only a part of the whole picture because his enthusiasm for the topic , implicated by the length of the turn , conflicts with the hesitancy he also displays .
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