Example sentences of "[noun] [vb -s] [vb pp] in [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The dual colour technique has resulted in a renowned piece of photography which has been translated into quality national press advertising .
2 Quizmaster Magnus Magnusson KBE has landed in the hot seat himself .
3 It was a goal of the highest class , reflecting the progress the 29-year-old striker has made in the five years since he left Blundell Park to earn fame and fortune with Norwich City and Rangers .
4 The Cappielow striker has scored in every round and includes the only hat-trick of the competition among his seven strikes .
5 Peter Bergg has put in a large number of Press statements reflecting his current activities on behalf of Darlington 's residents but the vast majority have been totally ignored by the Echo 's reporters .
6 Parliament has recognised in a piecemeal fashion that the privilege against self-incrimination is profoundly unsatisfactory when no question of ill-treatment or dubious confessions is involved .
7 The ownership and use of cars in the Netherlands has doubled in the past fifteen years .
8 the Carboniferous basement has behaved in a less than homogeneous manner during the basin inversion ;
9 Dick Spelman , general manager of marketing for the Halifax , Britain 's biggest mortgage lender , said the current recession has resulted in the first post-war collapse of house prices .
10 It should not be forgotten that the Modular Course has expanded in an expanding Polytechnic .
11 The colt 's sheer presence has resulted in the smallest field for many years which could count against him .
12 As Philip Warner has said in The Special Air Service , the official history re-issued in an expanded edition in 1983 , the regiment ‘ has often been criticised for the high proportion of officers and N.C.O.s , as well as first-class men , which it absorbed , and the answer must invariably be that used in this way they caused far more damage to the enemy than they would have done if they had been with other units .
13 ‘ This connection is particularly important at the current time when we know the numbers of women on low income has doubled in the last decade . ’
14 As demand for the drug has grown in the developed North , cocaine production has skyrocketed — up 600 per cent since 1980 .
15 A survey has shown that pocket money has increased in the past year by almost double the rate of inflation .
16 Growth in the size of the EEC budget has accelerated in a steady curve over the last three decades .
17 The resulting clash of styles has resulted in a forthright , moody range of sensations certainly capable of setting your teeth on edge , if not grinding away in your sleep .
18 Juries have freed journalists irrespective of the evidence where the defendant has acted in the public interest or the charge was oppressive .
19 Nagel refers to Adam Smith whom he takes to be advocating , as a matter of reason , the restriction of moral judgment only to that which the agent has done in a narrow sense because to attribute responsibility for that beyond the agent 's control seems irrational and is akin to strict liability .
20 In fact , ERPS has lived in a small corner of the works property since it took delivery of ex-Southern Railway 30828 4-6-0 the Maunsell development of the Urie S15 Class from Barry in March 1981 .
21 Regional Official Walter Ievers said it had been confirmed that schools are under no statutory obligation to report to parents of children finishing primary seven and third form in secondary and grammar schools in the way the Department has indicated in the recent Parents Guide .
22 Reported car crimes in Oxford are running at 600 per month ; car crime has doubled in the past four years , constituting one third of all crime reported in the city , and this year 's figures are one third up on last year 's .
23 Although the materials have been changing the industry has stayed in the same places .
24 Yes , I think that we could actually kill as it were two birds with one stone here er , the conversion of military industry into civilian industry has begun in the Soviet Union but it was going very slowly and part of the reason for that is , is it 's very expensive , now that seems to me a worthy recipient for Western direct economic aid .
25 " In view of the unpopularity the nuclear industry has earned in the developed world , it is now looking for markets in the developing world , " Greenpeace said .
26 Meanwhile , Colin and Wendy Parry , of Great Sankey , Warrington , saw hopes for their son Tim snatched away with the news that his condition has deteriorated in the intensive care unit of Liverpool 's Walton neurosurgical centre .
27 His condition has deteriorated in the intensive care unit of Liverpool 's Walton neurosurgical centre .
28 Its turnover has tripled in the past decade ; analysts reckon it now sells some £450-worth ( $880 ) of goods per square foot each year , against an average of £216 for all department stores .
29 For the children , Penny has put in a tremendous amount of time , effort , and shoe leather to produce a really useful booklet of activities to go to locally with under 5's .
30 The combination of repossessions and building companies ' inability to sell their newly built homes has resulted in an estimated 200,000 properties standing unoccupied .
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