Example sentences of "[noun] [vb -s] [adv] [prep] [noun sg] of " in BNC.

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1 She turns round and a white sheet flaps , a white sail sails , a white wraith passes silently in front of her eyes .
2 Such support occurs either through membership of an organisation which happens to provide support for litigation , such as a trade union , or through membership of , or support by a pressure group , which is interested in dealing with only one issue , but which will support litigation if that litigation furthers the objectives of the group .
3 In Du Cubisme they wrote : ‘ A decorative work exists only by virtue of its destination , comes to life only in relationship to determinate objects …
4 At this stage , the translator need only be aware that there are different devices in different languages for creating ‘ texture ’ and that a text hangs together by virtue of the semantic and structural relationships that hold between its elements .
5 Opinion differs widely on value of these methods .
6 Illustrating the size of this large single-seat , single-engined fighter , owner Lindsay Walton stands proudly in front of his ‘ steed ’ at this years Great Warbirds Air Display , held at Wroughton over the August Bank Holiday weekend .
7 Without any hesitation we can say that God is the answer to all doubt and that the largest part of doubting comes simply from ignorance of what God has said and done .
8 Section 212 makes provision for the court to compel past and present officers of the company to restore monies or property misapplied , or to contribute such a sum as the court thinks just by way of compensation .
9 The US sample scores lowest for clarity of problem understanding and production involvement in design , probably representing the standing of the production function in the USA in this industry and the communication gap separating it from R&D , another cultural factor .
10 Further reduction of infant mortality and chronic handicap depends increasingly on prevention of such disorders .
11 He adds : ‘ It should be noted that much of the evidence deals only with cancer of the stomach , because this was the subject of the original claims .
12 In the Collembola and Diplura all the antennal segments except the last contain intrinsic muscles , the antenna grows postembryonically by division of the terminal segment and Johnston 's organ ( p. 129 ) is absent .
13 Taken together , these factors were sufficient to generate commodity price rises considerably in excess of the general rate of inflation .
14 The book 's scope extends far beyond consideration of Karl Mannheim 's stress on a need for ‘ elites ’ .
15 In his view , it is fallacious to say that Unix costs less per number of users than mainframes because no-one has ever put a large number of users on Unix boxes .
16 The problem in West Yorkshire is that it costs more there to put a police man on the beat , and the authority spends more per head of the population .
17 If the transaction goes ahead in contravention of s320 , or if shareholder approval is not obtained within a reasonable time afterwards , the company may rescind the contract and recover any assets transferred under it .
18 Bob Noorduyn stands proudly in front of the recently restored UC–46A Norseman CF–DRD , on the day of the official opening of Norseman Park in the township of Red Lake , Ontario .
19 Cook until mixture comes away from side of pan .
20 Some surveyors , in order to escape their liabilities or at least to reduce them , do their utmost to dissuade the purchaser from buying the property — and if the sale goes ahead in spite of an adverse report , they have avoided liability by having blackened the property .
21 Kellard stands placidly in front of him .
22 Cycle begins again with formation of new crystals in the convecting chamber .
23 The tide flows strongly in favour of the populist , the valueless public library … the Library service has lost its soul and , desperately seeking some justification for its existence , veers between pop-marketing in imitation of the big chains — the McDonald 's and Burger Kings of the printed word — and trying to be a sub-branch of information processing .
24 Much later , in the eighteenth century , the Spanish artist Goya shows a caged owl being swooped upon by two free-flying birds , while a small caged bird sits nervously in front of it .
25 BAND OF GOLD SUPER Sally Gunnell stands proudly on top of the winner 's rostrum in Barcelona last night and gives her treasured gold medal a big kiss .
26 Furthermore , these economic policies have put severe political pressure on an erratically authoritarian regime whose remaining credibility depends mainly on provision of services .
27 Thus , the activity of the H1 gene promoter decreases abruptly after deletion of the 80 nucleotides lying between nucleotides -531 and -451 of the distal region .
28 Some of the arguments Gandhi puts forward in favour of ahi sā on occasions are strangely unimpressive .
29 We need to remember that the implicit curriculum works especially through style of teaching .
30 Keep to the right-hand side of bank ahead , following it until reaching electricity posts , then bear quarter right to gate at brow where a clear track turns left across corner of field then continues to Pengold farm .
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