Example sentences of "[noun] [vb -s] [conj] [pron] [prep] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 In the Quran , Allah says that everything in this universe vests absolutely in Allah ( Sura al-Maidah , ayat 17 ) and that the State is but a mere Trustee .
2 Although persistent overlapping and the resultant anomalies means that none of these economic groupings were exclusive , the character of each is governed by the bias of its composition ; the minor gentlemen comprehended in the £10. — £19 range for instance , were too heavily outnumbered to be in any real sense typical of it .
3 The Miscarriage Association believes that one in three pregnancies end in miscarriage often so early that even the mother is not aware .
4 Well research suggests that something like eighty eight percent , that 's research by Klaus and Bass , Klaus and Bass nineteen eighty-eight , actually I may have got that date wrong so I 'm not sure you should quote the date , anyway it 's Klaus and Bass .
5 Randi says that none of these feats would have been possible if researchers had followed his advice .
6 Maccoby and Jacklin 's ( 1974 ) and later work suggests that none of these hypotheses of differences can be supported .
7 But this record shows that something like 30,340 imperial shillings were expected in revenue : 3300 from the Patrimony , 5800 from religious institutions , and 21,200 , the lion 's share , from states and vassals .
8 That the expansion of exports falls well short of absorbing the growth in manufacturing output suggests that something of this kind must have happened , as does the fact that the nature of the new products does not allow for explanation in terms of extra spending on luxuries by high-income earners .
9 The Bodrum peninsula is extremely rugged , with numerous day stops and lots of good overnight anchorages cleft deep into the mountainous coastline .
10 In fact , Genette 's relational approach means that none of these aspects of narrative can be conceived of as independent units : Consequently ‘ analysis of narrative will thus be for [ him ] essentially a study of the relationships between narrative and story , between narrative and narrating , and ( to the extent that they are inscribed in the narrative discourse ) between story and narrating ’ ( my italics ) .
11 The report says that one in 10 customers were charged incorrectly by their bank or building society , one in five had wrangles over standing orders and one in seven had money incorrectly removed from their accounts .
12 Snuff are what the Manics sneeringly refer to as ‘ a T-shirt band ’ — meaning a group of young southern Englishmen forever willing to amble about in Transit van land and getting the occasional play on rubbish indie radio shows that nobody with any taste listens to .
13 A new survey shows that one in three students gets drunk once a week and also takes drugs at parties .
14 The British Crime Survey suggests that one in four crimes are officially reported , although sociologists and criminologists suggest that between 10 and 15 per cent is a more probable figure .
15 The Private Practice and Professional Fees Committee of the BMA agrees that none of this adequately explains the rise in my premium and it has expressed astonishment at the figures I have provided .
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