Example sentences of "[noun] [vb -s] [pron] [adv] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 If the description fits someone else in the office , take action .
2 Away he goes Lawrence again to the right-handed and that 's short on the back foot plays it down with a dead bat , ball bounces little more than a yard or two .
3 On Thursday at the 17th Arnold knocks it up to an identical spot and says , ‘ What club is it , Tip ? ’
4 3 The attacker 's body weight drives him head-on into a claw strike that covers the whole area of the face .
5 If one of the big parties wins something close to a majority of seats , it may have two ways of avoiding dependence on either Catalans or Basques .
6 But his victory at Stoke on Saturday has him back at the top of the list .
7 So in Scout 's case , her innocence leads her through her childhood and because she is too young to understand fully the barrier between the different races she lives among , she is saved from the emotional torments other people suffer , but in Perk 's case her innocence leads her straight into a very touchy emotional situation and ends up suffering death , too young to understand why .
8 The wind takes him away like a curtain snatch on a bad act .
9 Saturday finds you still in the throes of sorting out a financial/ professional issue and you wo n't be able to really relax until you 've cleared up all unfinished business .
10 Their farewell party is a sham and a mockery , a pretence that a great future awaits them instead of the fear that the next great event in their lives may be their death .
11 Anya drapes it carefully over the mirror .
12 The Agent tells me apologetically about the superstitious fears of these simple people .
13 Nigel Dennis helps her out after the photographic session .
14 In an entire lunch-hour , those same members may produce only half a dozen verbal transactions between them , yet a multitude of non-verbal signals binds them together in a group .
15 ‘ a member of a college puts himself voluntarily under a peculiar system of law , and assents to being bound by it , and can not thereafter complain that such system is not in accordance with that adopted by the common law .
16 After each call to a PI routine , simply pressing the Return key reverts you back to the main menu from which another PI routine may be called or you may exit by entering 0 .
17 The attacker 's own momentum pushes him forward onto the blow .
18 The common complaint that luxury extends itself even to the lowest ranks of the people , and that the labouring poor will not now be contented with the same food , clothing and lodging which satisfied them in former times , may convince us that it is not the money price of labour only , but its real recompense , which has been augmented .
19 CONSOLES STREETFIGHTER 2 ( SNES , £64.99 ) : The celebrated Capcom coin-op makes it on to the SNES with more head-to-head action than Lennox Lewis could handle .
20 A 200 mile drive down the spectacular Autostrade del Sole brings you straight into the heart of one of the most historic , most wildly mountainous yet least visited regions of Italy .
21 The red-haired baby with the bright blue eyes heaves himself up to a standing position , staggers , then sits down abruptly with a look of mild surprise .
22 Allen hit the post Byrne had one cleared off the line … a win would have shot them up the table defeat leaves them too near the bottom …
23 After breakfast , Pete sits us down in a semi-circle .
24 This man made geometry stands our starkly against the natural undulations of the terrain to form abstract patterns and relieve the monotony of impassive emptiness .
25 The lady accompanies him back to the Alps , to wait and worry as he and his partner , Hansi Kirchner , set off up the virgin North Face of Versücherin .
26 The title-page describes him simply as a Scholar of New College , Oxford and a Barrister at Law .
27 Then a few lines further on : ‘ Stavrogin reveals himself gradually through the action without any explanations ’ .
28 The structure of intelligence reveals itself spontaneously in the way people behave intellectually ; it is not imposed by the assumptions of testers , as the national press would have it .
29 Although this work concerns itself primarily with the organization of knowledge and the production of indexes , catalogues and databases , it is imperative that the indexer should have an appreciation of how the index is to be used .
30 As Kee says : ‘ The religion of Constantine takes us back to the context of the Old Testament .
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