Example sentences of "[noun] [vb -s] [art] great [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 Our study of literary texts is commonly based on a view that the most self-consciously crafted literature has the greatest claim to our attention .
2 The Department owes a great deal to Noel Thomas and it is a measure of his success as Chairman that when at the end of the 1989 academic year he handed over the hot seat to Angus Easson , the latter 's first task was one of consolidation .
3 → I would add to N B Cherry 's letter by saying that of course modern guitar design owes an awful lot to the pioneer designs of the ‘ 40s and '50s in very much the same sort of way that the modern motor car owes a great deal to its predecessors — that is to say , four wheels , petrol driven internal combustion engine etc. , etc. , you get my drift .
4 In this case , the term does a great disservice to horses .
5 In use This reviewer makes no great claims to artistic merit , but is perfectly capable of following a tutorial and picking up skills .
6 Of the two , the tapas bar offers the greater choice to the weight- and health-conscious ; dishes usually include low-calorie grilled or marinated shrimp , mushrooms , squid , sardine bites , chicken wings , and tomato toasts .
7 ‘ York Castle Museum has a great appeal to visitors from both sides of the Atlantic , ’ said Dr Andy Hodges , director of the York Castle Museum .
8 Obviously , contemporary interest in Leapor owes a great deal to a general shift in eighteenth century studies .
9 I would argue that the persuasive force of these statements owes a great deal to their teleological format .
10 Lindsell attaches the greatest importance to this quality drive — ‘ the key to our future prosperity . ’
11 Unless disposed of with great care , landfilling of hazardous waste poses a great threat to the community — the contamination of soil , groundwater and drinking supplies with chemicals dangerous to human health .
12 ‘ Adequate resources would have to include extra staff , as this shortage contributes a great deal to our lack of staff training , i.e. the staff we have are all needed to run the service ’ …
13 ‘ Extra staff , as this shortage contributes a great deal to our lack of staff training ’ .
14 Good food control contributes a great deal to good weight control .
15 Different sociologists have adopted these different views , and others fall in between , but it is certain that any theory of stratification owes a great debt to Marx 's account of classes , even if the sociologist ends up rejecting Marx as mistaken or overtaken by history .
16 The twentieth century Christian-cum-romantic ideal of a sacramentally-based , freely-adopted , lifelong , exclusive , loving partnership between one man and one woman bears no great resemblance to reality even among those English-speaking peoples by whom it is held .
17 The contempt of urban , middle-class educators for rural peasants was barely concealed : ‘ the psychological attitude of the Iranian villagers creates a great obstacle to rural reconstruction ’ .
18 To reflect the strophic build-up of the poem presents no great difficulty to a translator ; what is extremely difficult is to render into English , a stress-timed language , an idea of a metre based on syllabic timings .
19 And the Queen may now find that the monarchy faces the greatest threat to its survival since Edward VIII 's abdication over his affair with an American divorcee 56 years ago .
20 Among mammals , however , the desert camel shows the greatest tolerance to dehydration .
21 Marcos supporters have asked the Supreme Court to reverse the ban , but Mrs Aquino , who ousted Mr Marcos in a ‘ people 's power ’ revolt in 1986 , said : ‘ The return of this man and his minions poses a greater threat to the democratic constitution he ironically invokes than denying him entry would tend to subvert the fundamental law . ’
22 On the other hand , it leads to the admission that in so far as all linguistic theories are provisional and incomplete ( particularly in the sphere of semantics ) , even the best-informed linguistic analysis leaves a great deal to be desired .
23 Nevin makes a great run to the byline but his flick-back is missed in a goalmouth scramble by Malkin and John Aldridge before the keeper falls on the ball .
24 I will see that happening , but it is the freedom of schools to choose that is all important , and there are some particular elements of expertise which are not available to schools because it 's not available centrally , and I believe that giving schools their budgets goes a great way to meeting this .
25 Reading a paragraph in front of others offers a great opportunity to both provoke and control anxiety .
26 Clearly , the special character of the National Health Service structure owes a great deal to the strength of special interests , though its reorganization in the 1970s owed much to ‘ managerial ’ thinking .
27 However , in a reference to the territorial claim in the Irish Constitution to Northern Ireland , Mr Reynolds said : ‘ The present Irish constitutional position means a great deal to the nationalist community in Northern Ireland .
28 Paying tribute to him a colleague said today : ‘ He was a man of the highest integrity and his death represents a great loss to the Northern Ireland legal system . ’
29 The expansion of middle-income purchasing power owes a great deal to England 's unique rate of urban growth .
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