Example sentences of "[noun] [vb -s] [prep] [pers pn] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Similarly , via the intermediary of reflected light rays , interaction between the corpuscles of gold and those of our eyes produces in us the idea of yellowness .
2 But this course of action brings with it the disadvantages of AJR procedure already discussed .
3 Also , it costs Britain each year £3 million to import enough human blood , mainly from the United States , for factor VIII extraction and this blood carries with it the risk of disease .
4 His honest suffering reveals to her the nobility of selfless love and the truth of language which is metaphoric yet direct .
5 The demand for elegance carries with it the requirement to fit in with existing furniture and although talking points can be useful , a table surrounded by a set of such chairs could be a positive eyesore .
6 The Bible encourages in us the desire for God as the source of human happiness .
7 Lenin was very conscious of Marx 's warning that each war contains within it the seeds of a fresh war , an observation amply born out by the conflicts between France and Prussia-Germany in Marx 's lifetime and in Lenin 's time by the First World War .
8 The fact that it is transcendent confers on it the boon that its enduring is not dependent on appearances but on mental factors .
9 But these are some of the things , faith opens to us the door to every blessing that is ours in Christ .
10 He that will consider that the same fire that at one distance produces in us the sensation of warmth , does at a nearer approach produce in us the far different sensation of pain , ought to bethink himself what reason he has to say , that his idea of warmth which was produced in him by the fire , is actually in the fire , and his idea of pain which the same fire produced in him the same way is not in the fire .
11 one which does not exclude the bailor from possession , an action for conversion against a third person is maintainable by either bailor or bailee ; by the bailee because he is in possession , by the bailor because it is said that his title to the goods draws with it the right to possession , that the bailee is something like his servant and that the possession of the one is equivalent to that of the other .
12 As the surface of the water advances towards you the colours of the sky will be more and more affected by the colour of the water itself , until finally below you will be a dark combination of the overhead sky and the rich liquid into which you are looking .
13 What is more , the Spirit who has become resident in the followers of Jesus mediates to them the victory over the world which Jesus had ( 4:4 ) as they trust him for the power to overcome temptation ( 5:3,4 ) .
14 Placed next to each other , the documents are both a territorial and a political contradiction ; one is proof of the existence of Israel , the other carries with it the dream of Palestine .
15 Forced to depart from Suxavat by its apocalyptic destruction , Urim 's final journey to the Andes reveals to him the mirror-image of the Hindu Kush of his origins .
16 Those who believe that the growth of planned economy brings with it the possibility ( on the narrow basis of the dying out of the law of value ) of acting just as one pleases , do not understand the ABC of economic science .
17 This theory carries with it the implication that the cyclostome characters mentioned above were not part of the history of gnathostomes but were instead specializations restricted to lampreys and hagfishes .
18 It was to drive another nail into the coffin , into the public service 's coffin , to go alongside compulsory competitive tendering , erosion of working conditions and compulsory redundancies just to satisfy their own political dogma not caring about the citizens of this country , whose quality of life depends on them the services provided by the public sector .
19 This point Marx made much more explicitly in Capital , Book ‘ [ 378–9 ] : ‘ The simplicity of the productive organism in these self-sufficient communities — which continually reproduce their kind , and , if destroyed by chance , reconstruct themselves in the same locality and under the same name — this simplicity unlocks for us the mystery of the unchangeableness of Asiatic society , which contrasts so strongly with the perpetual dissolutions and reconstructions of Asiatic states . ’
20 In this elegant , compassionate , deeply researched book , the tremendously caring Geoffrey Moorhouse sets before us the facts and figures , the jingoism , pride , pain , as well as the hideous smugness , the cock-ups , the arrogance , and the disasters made by ‘ those who know better ’ .
21 His abolition of the subject carries with it the demise of the individual as the locus of knowledge and agency , and places him in a position where , as we saw , there can be no question of compromise with individualism .
22 In ‘ Barchester Towers ’ though it is actually Dr. Proudie who takes the position wanted by Dr. Grantly , he is made out to be a rather insignificant and weak person whereas Mrs. Proudie is seen at once to be strong and authoritative , too much so , and Trollope makes of her the kind of character a reader loves to hate .
23 The notion of marginality carries with it the sense of dualism , since it implies being on the boundaries of urban and rural society , but not integrated into either .
24 Almost inevitably , then , induction into a subject brings with it the development of commitment and loyalty to that subject too ( and , by implication , weakened loyalty and commitment to others ) .
25 Thus expanded negative reproduction carries with it the seeds of revolution .
26 This means , in effect , that each Alu sequence that inserts itself into the chromosomes carries with it the means to get out again and reinsert itself somewhere else .
27 The entire city represents to him the place where a dead man he 's obsessed with lived .
28 ‘ An essential characteristic of cyclical behaviour is not only that expansion and contraction follow each other , but that each phase of the cycle contains within it the seeds to generate the succeeding phase ’ ( R. Levacic , Macroeconomics ) .
29 Before Peter leaves the ward the doctor explains to him the regime of drugs which are to be prescribed .
30 The nature or our existence hides from us the knowledge of first beginnings which are born of the Nothing ; and the littleness of our being conceals from us the sight of the Infinite .
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