Example sentences of "[noun] [was/were] [v-ing] [noun sg] for the " in BNC.

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1 No longer did the garrison feel that their sufferings were taking place for the amusement of the crowd .
2 Here in a land where you expect Lapp to fight Norwegian for the privilege of staying Lappish , Lapp was fighting Lapp for the privilege of being Norwegian rather than Swedish .
3 Her collarbone was ambushing her with surprise guerrilla raids of searing pain while her head was screaming revenge for the ordeals it had undergone during the past twelve hours .
4 The Gulbenkian Foundation was exploring training for the performing arts , and by the middle of the decade the CNAA found itself confronting the complex range of elements of the creative and performing arts in its existing courses , and expressions of interest by institutions proposing specialist courses — notably in drama and in dance and movement .
5 Intel Corp president Andy Grove told the annual meeting that the company 's chip business remains strong and that it is ready to fight new competitors in the market place , Reuter reports : ‘ Our response to all these competitors has been to concentrate on getting better and faster products into the hands of our customers , ’ Grove said , adding that Intel was meeting demand for the 80486 but dealer and customer inventories were tight ; capital spending this year is now likely to hit $1,800m , up from the previously planned $1,600m ; executive vice-president Craig Barrett said the next generation P6 microprocessor will probably be unveiled in late 1995 or early 1996 ; Intel holders also approved a two for one share split to take effect in June .
6 Ten-year-old Joyce was preparing breakfast for the family .
7 Two army officers had been sentenced to prison terms for an attack on unarmed demonstrators in Santiago Atitlán in December 1990 , when 16 were killed and 24 wounded [ see p. 37912 ] , and another army officer was awaiting trial for the murder in September 1990 of anthropologist Myrna Mack [ see p. 37707 ] .
8 ‘ Maybe James was making allowance for the fact it was a private sale .
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