Example sentences of "[noun] [was/were] [vb pp] at the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Prototype units were designed at the international workshops and discussed and modified in the field for the APSP was far more decentralised than the Mathematics programme .
2 The walls of Caen were constructed in the years following Edward III 's capture of the town in 1346 ; those of Rouen were begun at the same time on the orders of Philip VI , making the city one of the few properly defended towns , or ‘ villes closes ’ of upper Normandy ; Avignon 's wall was started at the instigation of Pope Innocent VI about 1355 ; while the defences of Tours , in course of construction in 1356 , were probably sufficiently advanced to deter the Black Prince from attacking the town on his chevauchée in the summer of that year .
3 For this reason the constables of many royal castles were appointed at the same time to be wardens of neighbouring forests : the constable of Rockingham castle was usually warden of the forests between Oxford and Stamford bridges ; the constable of Porchester kept Bere Porchester Forest ; the constable of Devizes kept Chippenham and Melksham Forests ; the constable of St Briavels the Forest of Dean ; the constable of Castleton the Forest of the Peak ; and the constable of Windsor castle was also warden of Windsor Forest .
4 She became an accomplished pianist and several of her pictures were exhibited at the Royal Academy .
5 Subjects were studied at the same time of day on four occasions at least seven days apart .
6 Some books were purchased at the divisional library and these were augmented by orders based on individual teachers ' specialist knowledge and individual visits , undertaken on their own initiative to bookshops in various places .
7 In the USA , until 1986 , all gains and losses on futures contracts were taxed at the long-term rate of tax , while gains and losses on shares held for less than six months were taxed at the higher short-term rate .
8 All became clear when the jeep was unloaded at the other end .
9 The contest was judged at the fete-style launch of the South East region held at Kinross , on the shores of Loch Leven .
10 The movie was completed at the final cost of $3 million .
11 When the Parliamentary Curry Club was launched at the Red Fort restaurant in Soho last month , the celebration boasted 79 MPs — not least of whom was the aptly-named Edwina Currie .
12 With the landmark and directional cues present ( but feeders removed ) , the paths taken by all rats in each group ( Fig. 2 a , b ) showed a striking dissociation : search was concentrated at the former location of F+ in group fixed but around L+ in group varied .
13 This research was undertaken at the British Library of Economic and Political Science , School of Oriental and African Studies , Library of the Conflict Research Society at City University , London ; Central Research Library , New York ; Columbia University ; and the Library of Congress .
14 The cutting edge of British art historical research was presented at the nineteenth annual Association of Art Historians ' Conference , held from 2 to 4 April at the Tate Gallery .
15 Jacqueline de Romilly , Professor of Greek Literature at the Sorbonne , in her Messenger Lectures at Cornell University in 1967 on ‘ Time in Greek Tragedy ’ , has argued that it was no coincidence that Greek tragedy was born at the same time as historiography .
16 When you sort out your notes , Sergeant , you might include in them the additional information that my car was parked at the other end of Boundary Drive , the end furthest away from Glenfair Road , see ?
17 To reduce the risk of variable staining intensities , Grimelius staining was performed at the same time for all the specimens of one examination year .
18 The general question of Unionist attitudes to Labour was highlighted at the Special Party Conference in 1917 where Law came under a strong attack .
19 The strikingly aesthetic prow at Eridge Green Rocks , which resembles a mini Appointment With Fear was climbed at the surprising grade of 6a/b by Mike Vetterlein , and received an on sight second ascent by an on-form Adam Powell , followed by a rapid third ascent by the effervescent Doug Reid .
20 The purified protein was assayed at the indicated concentrations for its ability to hydrolyse p- nitrophenol phosphate ( pNPP ) either in the absence ( ○ ) or presence ( ○ ) of 200μM sodium vanadate .
21 Chlorine was used at the same time , and one may suppose that confusion arose in many minds about their separate effects .
22 The royal prerogative was surrendered at the Glorious Revolution and gives governments the power to make war , treaties and appointments without consulting parliament .
23 The men at the ramparts had often tried in vain to tempt one of the stray artillery bullocks near enough to capture it , but at long last , towards the end of the first week of September , an old horse was captured at the banqueting hall and put to death .
24 The lower part of the corps de logis on the southern or river side was built at the same time as the keep , but later raised , when a northern wing was added to it .
25 He says : ‘ Was this flame kindled at the altar of the Lord ? ’ and she answers : ‘ This flame was kindled at the holy fire . ’
26 Self-stimulation decreased immediately after transfer except for HM , where the decrease was observed at the next datapoint .
27 We 've budgeted this year , er , for a maximum of six , but as Committee were informed at the last meeting , that number has exceeded during the year , erm , and that did create some financial difficulties , but that is the budget for specifically for six out-county placements , which not only do grown people in specialist er , accommodation such as secure accommodation , but also younger children with disabilities .
28 Picasso 's work was first seen in Germany in 1909 at the Thannhauser Gallery in Munich , and paintings by many of the other painters subsequently known as Cubists were shown at the second exhibition of the Neue Künstlervereinigung in Munich in 1910 .
29 Management were told at the ritual claim submission in London that Ford workers at the 21 plants wanted to be the best paid in the motor industry .
30 Traditionally it has been thought that meteorites were formed at the same time as the solar planets , and the composition of them was used as a ‘ fossil guide ’ to the make-up of the planets .
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