Example sentences of "[noun] [was/were] [vb pp] [pers pn] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 However , the body of the report was accepted by the Americans , who if they needed any further confirmation were given it in the form of a 72 per cent failure rate among recently qualified army medical officers who had been given a questionnaire on the venereal diseases and their control .
2 Yeah , I think he did er , Rumpole was put him in the big time really .
3 But by far the best gift was given me by a little red-haired girl , Betty , who gave me ( a virgin boy ) her body .
4 And the final tribute was paid them by the Ferrarese organist Luzzasco Luzzaschi ( 1545 ? -1607 ) , a pupil of Rore , in his Madrigali … per cantare et sonare a uno , e doi , e tre soprani ( Rome , 1601 ) in which the lower parts of the madrigal were played on a harpsichord .
5 Our apparel was given us as a sign distinctive to discern betwixt sex and sex , and therefore for one to wear the apparel of another sex , is to participate with the same , and to adulterate the verity of his own kind .
6 Another small farm was shown me as the place where the mother of a young baby had forgotten to place the poker over its cradle : as a consequence the child , unprotected by iron , had been stolen by the fairies and replaced by a ‘ changeling ’ .
7 My fortune was denied you at the last , and that was the spur .
8 THOMAS PENNANT in his " Tour in Scotland " 1772 writes , " A present was made me of a clach clun ceilach , or cock-knee stone , believed to be obtained out of that part of the bird ; but I have unluckily forgotten its virtues .
9 THOMAS PENNANT in his " Tour in Scotland " 1772 writes , " A present was made me of a clach clun ceilach , or cock-knee stone , believed to be obtained out of that part of the bird ; but I have unluckily forgotten its virtues .
10 These clothes were got from a pawnshop in Kendal ; the rouge came from an acquaintance of Mrs Charlotte Deans , the actress ; the chaise was loaned us by a young friend of mine whose father owns the chief coaching firm in the town .
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