Example sentences of "[noun] [was/were] [verb] up with the " in BNC.

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1 The year 1973 came close to repeating the triumphs of 1972 but , as usual in FI , other cars were catching up with the Lotus , though not in qualifying , for 1973 was the year in which Ronnie Peterson notched an astonishing nine pole positions and a place on the front row in twelve of the season 's fifteen races , as against one and five for Emerson , Peterson finishing a mere three points behind Fittipaldi .
2 Much of the previous chapter was taken up with the question of what kind of economy is emerging in the UK .
3 And sure enough , when he got back , the car was lined up with the arrow .
4 ‘ All the people waiting at the bus stops were shrivelled up with the cold ; they looked so miserable standing there but cheered up when they saw us coming along .
5 The institutions of Roman civil law were bound up with the rigid observance of strict form ; trusts were not , the textbooks say .
6 However , the London skyline was lit up with the huge warehouse fire .
7 A larger room was taken up with the endless daily washing that miners ' wives were obliged to do .
8 Last year , the initiative for an open day for justice in the Cour d'Appel in Paris was taken up with the Lord Chancellor 's Department .
9 And , despite what the media claimed , Reagan was not elected because people were fed up with the huge federal deficit and were clamoring for budget cuts … .
10 I think people were fed up with the strikes Larry .
11 The front page was taken up with the Leader 's activities : a photograph showed him pumping along a line of soldiers , his elbows thrust back , his chest puffed out , its outline blurred by hoary growth ; Doric-square , his famous chin jutted up and outwards , as he took a salute of volunteers for Africa at a little trot .
12 Because the development of the economy was bound up with the growth of the nation , Germany was far more tolerant than Britain , France or the US of monopoly capital , of government subsidy , and of cartels .
13 The the erm a great deal of time at that enquiry was taken up with the alternative sites proposed by the Council erm and their suitability in relation to the .
14 The morning was taken up with the Townhead Cup , a stroke play competition resulting in a close fought battle between Eddie Docherty and Andrew Beattie .
15 In fact the woman was fed up with the smell that the tomcat caused about the place and was glad to be shot of it .
16 His career was bound up with the ‘ colonial-interloping ’ nexus of Puritan merchants , shipowners , and masters which challenged the established trading companies before the civil war and came into prominence during it .
17 The train sets were made up with the following types of coaches :
18 With all the bad publicity , one might think Americans were fed up with the NEA .
19 For many , aspiration to higher things through promotion was tied up with the idea of a larger wage-packet .
20 The latter part of the Heath Government was taken up with the enforcement of its incomes policies and when the miners , having defeated the government in 1972 , challenged again in late 1973 , the government resisted while trying to find a formula for concession .
21 New lighting was installed and the floor was brightened up with the use of terrazzo tiling .
22 Because the Spirit was tied up with the person of Jesus .
23 It shows to some extent the City was tied up with the erm issue of whether or not the structure plan should include a major exception to or indeed a strategic exception to policy .
24 They are not perhaps the kind of remarks to be found in Christmas crackers , but they suggest that his humour was bound up with the idea of self-parody : he is mocking the pontifical manner which others associated with him .
25 Solutions of 100 mM drug in PBS/10% FCS were made up with the concentration of NaCl reduced to maintain osmolality .
26 Relations between Japan and the USA were bound up with the Gulf crisis [ see above ] , with the USA appearing to want greater financial assistance from Japan ( both for the Gulf operation and for the upkeep of US forces stationed in Japan ) while also seeming unenthusiastic about the prospects of Japan actually deploying forces abroad in any capacity .
27 Rogers was fed up with the subject .
28 ‘ It was an obvious choice , partly because of all the business they were doing in Europe and also because the public was fed up with the same old faces ; here was someone fresh at last , ’ recalls Peter Batty , director of the him .
29 So the problem was to come up with the right kind of songs which would still act as vehicles for the guitar — because , basically , the song itself is the most important thing .
30 It seemed the future was not without promise , and a European base was set up with the amiable Andrew Ferguson as team-manager .
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