Example sentences of "[noun] [was/were] [verb] [pron] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 It is significant , and ironic , that their twentieth-century successors were to define them as an ‘ intellectual aristocracy ’ .
2 In these pre-Cubist paintings of 1907 and 1908 it is as if Picasso were preparing himself for the difficulties involved in creating a new style by taking stock afresh of some of the basic problems inherent in all painting since the invention of illusionistic perspective .
3 By the end of the tour kids were throwing themselves at the stage like little ‘ kamikazis ’ .
4 The effects of the war locally are explored , as families with differing allegiances were set one against the other .
5 She glared up , aware of the slight change in his tone , and saw that his eyes were scouring hers with a strange kind of intensity .
6 The blue eyes were studying her with an intentness she found exceedingly disconcerting .
7 However , the body of the report was accepted by the Americans , who if they needed any further confirmation were given it in the form of a 72 per cent failure rate among recently qualified army medical officers who had been given a questionnaire on the venereal diseases and their control .
8 His partner had suddenly remembered her brothers were to meet her at the door and take her home ( an old trick , this ) .
9 Jean was pulling him by the hand towards the dance .
10 But Platt insisted that his only interest in Diego Maradona 's old club was beating them at the weekend to boost Bari 's survival chances .
11 But Platt insisted that his only interest in Diego Maradona 's old club was beating them at the weekend to boost Bari 's survival chances .
12 Gyggle was driving me along the coast road to Brighton as he spoke .
13 One of his compulsive gambits was to challenge everyone at the first meeting .
14 First er but I 've been tol I 'm sorry I 'm I have n't realized Scott was joining us on the line .
15 David was warming himself by a fire in the centre of the hut ; he was almost nude and had never worn anything other than a coarse blanket which was slightly tied round him to cover his back .
16 The government 's obvious intention was to identify me as the main source of all the criticism and speculation running counter to the official line on Flight 103 and then to destroy me .
17 There were lots of young people working there whose main ambition was to get me into a good home .
18 The result of this slight deformity was to leave him with a rather nasal drawl .
19 He took them through the cavernous littered kitchen , where an old woman in a grey shawl was mixing something in a basin on the table , and down the dark passage to the studio .
20 The only way he knew to heal the pain of his humiliation was to punish her for the crime of leaving him .
21 Sue was beckoning her from the till .
22 Yeah , I think he did er , Rumpole was put him in the big time really .
23 ‘ Ma must have taken to cooking up bits of food in her bedroom , ’ Algy said when Lady Grubb was doing something to the plants and she and Guy were alone with father in his study .
24 But the Dalek Killer was throwing himself at the golden cloud .
25 Their parents were sending them to the Wimbledon Islamic Day Independent Boys ' School because they wanted them to grow up English .
26 while country areas were bracing themselves for the influx of tragic refugees or louse-infested slave labour , depending on the children 's luck .
27 Springfield himself was standing beside the open door of his car , which he had drawn up on the verge opposite the gates , angled so its headlights were bathing them in a pool of bright luminescence .
28 While all you fairweather golfers were fattening yourselves for the spring sunshine , I was running 15 miles a week in an effort to gain the necessary fitness for a 27-tournament season .
29 The hackers were surpassing themselves in the inventive ways they hit the ball badly , and often , and in the wrong direction .
30 Complaints from the regional Propaganda Offices that neither press , nor radio , nor newsreels were reporting anything about the Führer any longer were to no avail .
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