Example sentences of "[noun] [is] not [vb pp] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 But classroom practice is not put at the service of the principles , designed to test them out ; conversely , the principles serve classroom practices in that they provide a way in which they may be more clearly understood and more systematically carried out .
2 Thus , a lease which contains a rent review clause will not be uncertain merely because the amount of the rent is not known at the date of the lease .
3 The accused is not guilty of that offence if force or threat of force is not used at the time of the theft .
4 We should prefer to go along with the European Communitywide scheme so that British industry is not put at a disadvantage .
5 Abnormal development may occur if a protein is not made at the right time or place , or the protein is defective or if too little or too much is made .
6 In Mark and Luke , the betrayer is not named at the Last Supper itself .
7 If this bracing action is not achieved at the top of the backswing , it will be caused either by the right foot folding over on its side during the backswing , or the right knee moving out of alignment with the toes , before or when you arrive at the top of the swing .
8 If agreement for mutual exchange is not reached at an early stage , the defendant will have the advantage of first sight of at least one of the plaintiff 's medical reports .
9 Provided that the population is not trapped at a local optimum , and provided there is at least some genetic variation in the appropriate direction , the optimal life history will eventually be reached .
10 Add to this the small but unnecessary morbidity associated with dilatation and curettage , and most people would agree that this procedure is not indicated at the time of a routine sterilisation .
11 We must be careful that the harmonisation of individual legislatures is not achieved at the expense of those groups with little economic power .
12 You are further required as a condition of this appointment to accept that if the appointment is not renewed at the end of the period referred to then you would not be entitled to claim any redundancy payment under the Employment Protection ( Consolidation ) Act 1978 or under any analogous provisions , should your appointment not be renewed at the end of the period referred to .
13 I 've nothing against young people discovering the beauty of our national parks ( I myself am only 23 ) and my anger is not directed at the offenders themselves , but at the so-called leaders of the group .
14 The reflex component will continue to operate provided the spinal cord is not damaged at the sacral level and manual or other stimulation of the penis and surrounding area will result in erection even though feeling below the level of the lesion is lost .
15 But if the first speaker is not seated at the top table there may be a pause while he walks to the microphone .
16 This is because the timing of dividend payments on the 100 shares in the FTSE 100 index is not even throughout the year , and also , the amount of the dividend payments is not known at the beginning of the year .
17 Rather unexpectedly , the lighthouse is not situated at the far extremity of the headland , the Point of Stoer , but two miles short on the west side .
18 A suggested alternative , the worker-controlled enterprise , will be discussed towards the end of the chapter , and in particular whether worker-controlled firms can be designed in such a way that participation is not bought at the price of rendering the economy as a whole substantially less efficient .
19 If the diagnosis of pyloric stenosis is not confirmed at the first test feed the examination can be repeated or imaging performed .
20 It should also be noted that although candidates may be admitted initially as prospective students for honours , admission to the honours courses is not guaranteed at the outset but depends on performance in classes taken in the first two , or in some cases three , years .
21 You know the money that that you 're paying in A B Cs is n't classed at the end of the day as erm reckonable service .
22 As a synonym is not held at the address the program has computed , a further search is needed to find it .
23 If the employment contract is not renewed at the end of the 2 year period benefit should not be paid as the policy wordings exclude ‘ unemployment which arises at the normal termination date of a fixed term contract ’ .
24 ( 11 ) If a licensing board is not elected at the time at which it ought to be elected , or an insufficient number of members is elected for a board , the Secretary of State may by order provide for the holding of an election or elections for supplying such fault or deficiency in election at such times and in such manner as he may think expedient .
25 If the polyester , carbon-impregnated , pad which is used for adsorption of liquid and gaseous impurities is not replaced at the recommended interval of two weeks , due to the fine membrane of the pad clogging , the pump may find difficulty in drawing water through the filter and start to vibrate .
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