Example sentences of "[noun] [is] not [prep] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Certainly , the Prison Governors Association is not in favour of it .
2 If the criterion for the evaluation of gain or loss is not in terms of either the " maximisation of productive efficiency " or the " optimisation of consumption " , but rather in terms of the impact of membership of a regional trading bloc upon the balance of trade , then it is difficult to identify trade creation with a benefit arising from a switch between the domestic supplier and the union partner .
3 Or perhaps this programme is n't about Summerchild at all .
4 ‘ We like to think that the programme is n't in competition with Barry Norman , but we do want to give him a run for his money . ’
5 MPs were quick to grumble privately that Mr La Malfa is not under suspicion of being involved in million-dollar bribery networks allegedly run by the main parties for years .
6 The witness is not in court during the interrogation of the defendant , and counsel try to shake the evidence and establish discrepancies between the defendant and his witness .
7 Second , it is submitted for the plaintiffs that such action is not in relation to the grant or refusal of a further advance because the making of the valuation is not part of the administration or managerial process leading to the grant or refusal but is only a condition precedent to the actual process of making a grant .
8 When work is not in progress on a module but the module must be accessed by a package , the module must be locked against being set to hard copy only and against modification .
9 Moreover , development work is not in opposition to more traditional social work activities , rather it is an essential range of skills — and even more essential philosophical commitment — which focuses on the pursuit of ‘ vertically efficient ’ work .
10 But Casaubon is not without insight in his idea that the committed experimental philosopher may come to think that all areas of human concern and experience are legitimate grist to his mill .
11 Third , there will be far less condensation on the glass , because the inner pane is not in contact with the cold outside air , and so is much warmer than single glazing .
12 Locals claim the plan is not in keeping with representations the museum made when initially seeking community approval .
13 That we 're really talking about the re the reign of God , and how in fact God 's plan is not in operation with people starving and people having not a future they c they can anticipate .
14 A sophisticated burglar-alarm system has aided overnight and weekend security and although the caretaker is not on call from 11am to 3.30pm the levels of demand have fallen during this time as a direct result of his monitoring skills .
15 The hero is not at home to callers , not at home in the office , in absentia at parliament .
16 If there is a child at school with HIV or AIDS , perhaps born with it or caused from infected blood transfusions , your child is not at risk from everyday contact .
17 This demo 's not for sale at the moment but there 's a chance to see the band at the Wheatsheaf , Farnham , on Wednesday night .
18 The package is not in state for approval — listings can not be prepared .
19 When we examine it closely we find that the point of the peg is not in contact with the socket so we would have to reject the arrangement .
20 If the site is not in danger of being destroyed , it may be possible to raise funds to conserve the site for display , and the way the site is presented depends largely on the nature of the remains : the ruins of an Islamic mosque for example , may need the walls to be strengthened and made safe , and suitable access provided in order to view the remains .
21 Robbins now draws more and more attention to the text itself , by indulging in a dialogue with his projected reader to celebrate reaching his hundredth chapter or by rejecting the claims of traditional literary decorum : ‘ happily , your author is not under contract to any of the muses who supply the reputable writers , and thus he has access to a considerable variety of sentences to spread and stretch from margin to margin … ’ ( 124 ) .
22 this joke is not about laughter at all
23 The Vendor is not in relation to the Business a party to any agreement , practice or arrangement which contravenes or is subject to registration under the Restrictive Trade Practices Act 1976 , the Resale Prices Act 1976 or the Competition Act 1980 or which contravenes the provisions of the Fair Trading Act 1973 or which would or might either result in a reference to a ‘ consumer trade practice ’ within the meaning of Section 13 of the Fair Trading Act 1973 or to the Consumer Protection Advisory Committee under Part II of that Act or contravene any of the provisions of Articles 85 or 86 of the Treaty of Rome or any other anti-trust or consumer protection legislation .
24 ( i ) the registered foreign lawyer 's involvement in the business is not in breach of his or her own professional rules ;
25 This process is not of concern to archaeologists alone : the destruction of archaeological sites often coincides with the destruction of wildlife habitats and changes in the environment .
26 The mere mention of Doreen 's name was sufficient to stir the frustration simmering in Lucy 's mind , and this , coupled with jealousy that refused to be submerged , forced her to say , ‘ Your friend is not in need of further consolation after such trauma ? ’
27 The Consolidated Profit and Loss Account thus does not comply with the requirements of the Companies Act 1985 and statement of earnings per share is not in accordance with SSAP3 . ’
28 It remains to show why genuine criticism is not at home in the academy ; or , more precisely , why it is irreconcilable with pedagogic practice .
29 Odd as this may sound , the idea that an association might be formed between a CS and the absence of some event is not without precedent in associative theorizing .
30 This discrepancy between good performance in spontaneous speech and poor performance in metalinguistic tasks and comprehension experiments is not without precedent in the child language literature ( e.g. Bloom , 1974 ; Chapman and Miller , 1975 ; Margaret Donaldson , 1978 ; Morag Donaldson , 1980 ; Hoenigmann-Stovall , 1982 ; Tunmer and Grieve , 1984 ) .
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