Example sentences of "[noun] [is] [vb pp] for the [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Oh no , not again , ’ remarks an attractive blonde whose car is stopped for the second ti me in a day .
2 It is a struggle Ellen and no mistake and though I have been thrifty as mother brought us all up to be and the rent is paid for the next year I am hard put to pay wages and still eat and keep warm .
3 Meanwhile most of Ulster 's top moto cross riders will be heading for Saintfield on Saturday when the Brian Bell Memorial Trophy is run for the 24th time .
4 Will the Minister accept that the flaw in his argument is that no figure is projected for the next financial year which will take the amount needed over the present limits agreed under the 1987 legislation ?
5 If the answer turns out to be by a ‘ dock identification ’ ( i.e. the witness is identified for the first time in court ) then it must be remembered that this procedure is potentially so unfair to the accused that the court of trial retains a discretion to prevent it ( Horsham JJ. , ex p .
6 Her eye for the natural scene is revealed for the first time in her ‘ Alfoxden Journal ’ ( 1798 ) , the first fruit of the creative partnership between brother and sister which is celebrated at the climax of Wordsworth 's ‘ Tintern Abbey ’ .
7 The standard rate of SSP is frozen for the second successive year at £52.50 a week .
8 Pirelli confirms a pan-European TV campaign is planned for the first time , positioning the company 's tyre products as chic and high-performance .
9 Swedish certainties David Platt and Paul Parker return after missing the win over France , while John Barnes is included for the first time this season .
10 The national selectors indicated before England 's unexpected success in the HDM international tournament at The Hague that they wanted to test other members of their squad before the team is announced for the first official internationals of the season , the Four Nation tournament at Crystal Palace in a month 's time .
11 A product announcement is scheduled for the third quarter , followed by operational service for beta customers in the final quarter .
12 Formal announcement is not expected before the autumn , and the product is planned for the first half of next year , with the prime target market seen as MS-DOS users that have not yet succumbed to the blandishments of Windows and might otherwise jump straight to NT .
13 When a direct file is loaded for the first time , we may have little or no information about the individual records that make it up .
14 A similar procedure is adopted for the second objective , imposing the constraint that it should not drop below whichever is the smaller of its optimal value and its goal .
15 As expected ( UX No 436 ) , Banyan Systems Inc has now signed with IBM Corp 's Advanced Workstation Division to put its Vines for Unix network operating system up on the RS/6000 family — availability is slated for the first quarter of next year .
16 Availability is pegged for the first quarter .
17 When this behaviour is seen for the first time , the owners may become seriously concerned , imagining that the cat is having some kind of fit or seizure .
18 Further investment for additional backing plant driers is planned for the next stage , as Lyle becomes one of the most up-to-date tufting companies in the business .
19 Let us now briefly examine some of the areas into which the scope of EEC authority is extended for the first time .
20 Sometimes grace periods are granted which means that no repayment of the loan 's principal is required for the first few years .
21 The physical relocation of S&R staff is scheduled for the last weekend in May .
22 The whole of Ramsay 's Edinburgh-Rome-London career is examined for the first time , with over one hundred exhibits , including many of his fine drawings .
23 Thereafter , ‘ fly the line ’ , keeping a careful eye on drift and timing for the first quarter of the route , and replicating whatever heading is required for the next three- quarters , noting the times to the quarter-points .
24 A depressing picture of a grey society is revealed for the first time in comparisons of the way people live across the UK .
25 The whole area , a band 50 miles wide and hundreds or maybe thousands of miles long , is alive — rearing and plunging , writhing and creaking — as the future shape of a portion of the world is determined for the next aeon of geologic time .
26 The full release of Data Connection 's SNAP-APPN is set for the second quarter of the year .
27 The full cost of the 1986 Chernobyl disaster is revealed for the first time .
28 This will ensure that there 's commitment and that the direction is understood for the next year .
29 Many Clubs have some twin rooms into which three or four beds can be fitted and in the majority of cases , a price reduction is offered for the third and/or fourth person sharing .
30 Menlo Park California-based Network General Corp is offering another system for its Sniffer Network Analyser : a new version will run on the Toshiba Corp T6400/DX2 colour portable running at 50MHz ; currently the new implementation supports only Ethernet , but Token Ring support is promised for the second quarter ; the move looks as if it has been caused by the chronic shortage of the Compaq Computer Corp machines that form the basis for the existing Sniffer systems .
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