Example sentences of "[noun] [is] [vb pp] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Grand mean is derived from the four group-mean data points of b .
2 Consequently , the best treatment seems to be to say that stress in words with prefixes is governed by the same rules as those for words without prefixes .
3 The right of elderly people to take risks is emphasised in the first national guidelines on restraint in residential care and nursing homes .
4 The quality of teaching and research in the Faculty of Arts is underpinned by the excellent research facilities that are available .
5 He was one of those blessed people who have an itch in their hands to make things which will not be denied and for whom a lack of formal training in the arts is compensated by a hyper-developed sense of ingenious invention .
6 The furnace is scheduled as an Ancient Monument in the care of the Department of the Environment , and can be seen at any time .
7 If a sponge is forced through a fine gauze sieve so that it is broken down into separate cells , these will eventually reorganise themselves into a sponge , each kind of cell finding its appropriate place within the body .
8 In this region the Kupferschiefer is underlain by a thick series ( several hundred to one thousand meters ) of Rotliegendes ( Lower Permian ) , often represented by volcanic rocks .
9 If this is the case , and long-term memory for the simple association is reflected in a widespread increase in numbers of synapses , it is difficult to argue that the memory is ‘ represented , by but a single set of synapses at a particular motor neuron ; thousands must be involved , distributed across many cells .
10 A trumpet in high F is used for the exacting trumpet part in Brandenburg No. 2 , and one in high B flat ( an octave higher than the standard B flat instrument ) is now in circulation .
11 Entry is achieved in the same way as any other type of module via a package and an active DC .
12 When work is complete on a range of entries only the text of the latest version of a new or changed entry is transferred to the main archive .
13 12 Entrants may submit as many entries as they wish , provided each entry is accompanied by the specified proof of purchase coupon .
14 Give Way signs are not placed at all roundabouts , but the point of entry is marked by a single broken white line across the road to indicate the give way rule .
15 Melatonin is produced by the pineal gland , a tiny organ buried in the centre of the brain .
16 In the former interpretation , the speaking persona is placed in an imagined situational context which is evoked by the text itself , so that the real and the fictional enunciations are once again rather neatly separated from each other .
17 The contractor is paid for the actual costs he incurs plus a previously agreed lump sum for his overheads and profit .
18 POWYS Fire Brigade is represented at the 50th anniversary celebrations of Fire Service Benevolent Fund in London today .
19 Various methods are used , depending on market circumstances — the ‘ tap ’ method , where stock is issued gradually in order not to flood the market and depress the price ; the ‘ tender ’ method , where institutions are invited to tender for a given issue ; and the ‘ auction ’ method , where stock is sold to the highest bidders among the twenty or so gilt-edged market makers ( GEMMs ) .
20 But here there is no minimum price specified and stock is sold to the highest bidders and sold at the price that each has bid .
21 But he was by no means alone in Britain , for a combined silversmith and jeweller 's stock is known at the extensive settlement of Snettisham in Norfolk .
22 The Mermaid is frequented by the local fishermen for breakfasts and lunches , which makes me think its fish must be the freshest .
23 The card is shaped like a small pint of Guinness .
24 Note that ‘ Middle ’ means that the card is placed across the central strip .
25 The third card is placed on the u of mutus and the fourth card is placed on the second u in mutus .
26 The card is passed through a special reader which prints a receipt .
27 In medical schools a great deal is taught about the medical and other consequences of high alcohol consumption but little or nothing is taught about alcoholism , the addictive disease .
28 Judicial policy in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries is examined in the third section .
29 The different nature of the materials imported to particular parts of England in the sixth and seventh centuries is mirrored by the different patterns of dispersal revealed by plotting fall-off curves ( Huggett forthcoming ) .
30 Yes , competitive tendering is based on the simple proposition that health service managers are trained to manage health care institutions , not laundries or cleaning forces .
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