Example sentences of "[noun] [is] [verb] in the [num] " in BNC.

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1 This type of partnership is described in the 1990 Act as a ‘ multi-national partnership ’ ( ‘ MNP ’ ) .
2 Labour is losing in the 1990s because it is like those 19th-century Liberals .
3 The serjeants at law , who had the exclusive privilege of practising , pleading and audience in the Court of Common Pleas from time immemorial until their exclusive privileges were abolished by the Practitioners in Common Pleas Act 1846 ( 9 & 10 Vict. c. 54 ) , had always fallen into a special category and before the events of 1292 to which reference is made in the 1970 judgment , Parliament had introduced an elementary form of disciplinary control over serjeants and pleaders in the Statute of Westminster 1275 ( 3 Edw. 1 c. 29 ) which provided , in the event of attainder for deceit or collusion in the King 's Court , for a term of imprisonment and for disqualification for life from ‘ pleading in that court for any man . ’
4 Comment in particular on the sort of problems that could arise in translation from differences in the way the notion in question is expressed in the two languages .
5 This gross difference is unlikely to be the result solely of the way in which the Directive is implemented in the two countries — other influences are also at work — but the implementation of the Directive in the two countries is certainly different in several respects .
6 Higher education is defined in the 1988 Education Reform Bill as courses leading to degrees , higher diplomas or to professional examinations where the standard is higher than that of the advanced ( 'A' ) level of the General Certificate of Education .
7 A day 's racing in the 100 mile Wye race involves paddling continuously for over 5 hours so physical and mental preparation are essential .
8 This detailed picture of the much-vaunted new share-owning democracy is presented in the 1987 General Household Survey , conducted by the Office of Population Censuses and Surveys , published yesterday .
9 A paddock is defined in the nineteen ninety concise Oxford as a small field .
10 how they want to see how the English word is spoken in the nineteen nineties .
11 Here then is a continuity between the early modern and the post/modern , one oft en overlooked when we concentrate on the differences in the way sexuality is conceptualized in the two periods .
12 The book is set in the 1940s and this is how things were then , so to expect a different kind of portrayal would be unreasonable .
13 Where no special provision is made in the 1991 rules for any matter of procedure the usual rules of court apply ; the Magistrates ' Courts Rules 1981 , the County Court Rules 1981 or the Rules of the Supreme Court 1965 , as appropriate .
14 A John Warre is found in the 1650s , buying up sequestrated Royalist estates , but there is no evidence that he is the same man .
15 Since the levels of payment in the French Zone de Montagne ( as in Cantal ) are similar to those paid in the bulk of the UK 's LFA , and similar limits on stocking densities for HLCAs exist in the two countries , the absence of a maximum cut-off per farm in the UK is the major difference in the way the HLCA system is implemented in the two countries .
16 The death penalty was excluded from the Brazilian Penal Code in 1890 and its abolition is enshrined in the 1988 Constitution .
17 The Scottish Crown is reproduced in the four corners reflecting those used in the ceiling .
18 In studying this period writers have tended to use ‘ government ’ to refer to elected party or civilian cabinets , whose position is eroded in the 1930s as the state became even more totalitarian .
19 A 170mm unit is used in the 415 and a 200mm in the 425 .
20 The tapes and conversation details will all become completely anonymous no one will know who 's used the words or whose voice are on the tapes together they will provide a permanent record of how the English language is spoken in the nineteen nineties we 'll go down in posterity , eh ?
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