Example sentences of "[noun] [that] it [verb] [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 In fact it was already a quality of Britten 's music before Grimes that it said new things with material which , on closer inspection , often turned out to be surprisingly familiar and straightforward .
2 ‘ It is certainly a polygon , and our historians , experts and researchers have come to the conclusion that it has 24 sides and is 100ft in diameter . ’
3 One morning the young man was seized with a fit , in Dr. Prior 's presence , of ‘ such a frightful nature that it required strong nerves to witness same in those who are used to such sights ’ .
4 They have called on the Northern Regional Health Authority to issue a categorical denial that it has any plans to merge 15 health care districts into six super districts .
5 Some managers are convinced that PRP will improve performance and raise income , but there 's hardly any evidence that it produces any improvements .
6 Greenpeace anti-nuclear campaigner Bridget Woodman said : ‘ Nuclear Electric wants to operate Sizewell B in the full knowledge that it has sub-standard components and an increased potential for a disastrous accident . ’
7 It need not , therefore , be related to any act performed in the belief that it has normative consequences .
8 Hewlett-Packard Co accompanied news that it had made $261m net profit for its fiscal first quarter ( a decline of 21% before a big accounting charge last time ) with news that it cut 1,700 jobs worldwide during the period .
9 He has been so successful at keeping his private life private that it took six months for the world 's gossip columns to find out that he married his long-term girlfriend Phoebe Cates , star of the Gremlins films .
10 The decision is logical , in the sense that it places local authorities in the same position as other builders .
11 However , it should be remembered that this figure will be an underestimate in the sense that it excludes occasional users — ‘ chippers ’ and ‘ dabblers ’ .
12 Easier , in the sense that it bans Germanic tricks to limit the transfer of ownership ; but more difficult by requiring an offer to be made to all shareholders at the same price , once a firm has accumulated 30% of the shares .
13 IBM Corp has made no secret that it believes super-fast communications will be essential to the medium-term success of machines like the RS/6000 , and the company has turned to one of the pioneers , San Jose , California-based Ultra Network Technologies Inc .
14 By asking for the supplier 's commitment at this early stage , Pearl wanted a quality assurance check and formal assurance that it had realistic expectations .
15 It seems unlikely that the dance was copied into the score at the wrong point : if it had been , one would expect to find it headed by some warning that it belonged several pages later — otherwise severe complications would result in orchestral parts copied from the score .
16 But the carefully prepared general rise in European interest rates immediately prompted concern that it represented German worries about domestic inflation and the ability of the Bundesbank to persuade other countries to follow its policy , rather than an expression of the determination of the Group of Seven , the leading industrial nations , to control the dollar .
17 For him , even choices which are clearly dictated by subject matter are part of style : it is part of the style of a particular cookery book that it contains words like butter , flour , boil and bake ; and it is part of the style of Animal Farm that it contains many occurrences of pigs , farm , and Napoleon .
18 Illustrate the bank 's profit-maximising balance sheet on the assumption that it grants new advances .
19 That argument has to rest on the principle that it makes other owners of Utterly Dependables feel better if everyone has one !
20 Moreover , it is socially important for the way that it demystifies such manoeuvres .
21 Although the anti-Bcl-2 antibody did not label the plasma membrane , we can not exclude the possibility that it labelled other organelles in addition to the nuclear envelope and ER .
22 Its honours for impresarios and maverick businessmen — what The Times called examples of ‘ unrepentant Darwinism , of the business survival of the fittest and of nature red in tooth and claw ’ — so appalled them and the Palace that it took several weeks for approval to be obtained .
23 The Guide-lines Commission interpreted an ambiguous statutory injunction that it take correctional resources into ‘ substantial consideration ’ as a mandate that its guide-lines not increase prison population beyond existing capacity constraints ( Tonry 1988 ) .
24 The creation of the autonomous region had been opposed by the Moro National Liberation Front ( MNFL ) , the largest of the separatist guerrilla organizations , on the grounds that it made insufficient concessions to Moslem autonomy and failed to meet the terms of the 1976 Tripoli Accord [ see p. 28440 ] .
25 It was the first contact between the LDP and the North Korean government , and marked a significant shift in policy by the latter communist regime , which had hitherto rejected overtures from the Japanese government on the grounds that it had diplomatic relations with South Korea .
26 Bush rejected the campaign finance bill , the first such measure to have been approved by Congress in more than a decade of partisan dispute over the issue , on the grounds that it offered public subsidies to House and Senate candidates and because it did not eliminate donations from political action committees ( PACs ) .
27 Furthermore , the above analysis may be justifiably criticised on the grounds that it compares two surveys which employed different agencies to reach their estimates of the prevalence of known opioid use .
28 The government 's emphasis on cash crop production was criticized on the grounds that it favoured wealthy exporters rather than small farmers and had hindered industrial development .
29 ‘ They object to nuclear power on the grounds that it releases radioactive nuclides into the air .
30 In addition , though the party offered its electorate little it was committed to moral ideas and personal liberation to such an extent that it excited passionate enthusiasms .
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