Example sentences of "[noun] [that] the first [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This echoed earlier comments by Mandela that the first non-racial government would be a coalition .
2 If no such solution can be found , we impose the constraint that the first objective function should not drop below its optimal value before turning to the second objective .
3 It was no coincidence that the first official title of the Free French movement 's executive — a title which de Gaulle had suggested to Churchill as early as July 1940 — was the Conseil de Défense de l'Empire .
4 It was in this period that the first organised adult meetings began to be held , first in Glasgow then in Edinburgh , London , Manchester and Leeds .
5 In the event , the two sides made heavy weather of them ; it was in Geneva that the first unsuccessful attempt was made , followed by another , no more fruitful , in New York , the two sides ' disagreement extending to their respective versions of what occurred during their talks .
6 Similarly it was during the RPF years that the first significant evolution in de Gaulle 's attitude towards Germany occurred .
7 It is perhaps not by chance that the first Greek book to speak extensively about the Jews was written by an adviser of Ptolemy I in the years in which he was campaigning for the conquest of Palestine .
8 For the time being , however , he did not discard his academic first-class honours and it remains one of the oddities of his life that the first published work of the future Nazi propagandist was a scholarly contribution to the Revue of English Studies in 1928 : ‘ A Note on the Mid Back Slack Unrounded Vowel [ a ] in the English of Today . ’
9 Coincidentally , it was in the same year that the first supersonic airliner took flight and the first channel hover-ferry service was inaugurated — quite a year for fast machines — quite rightly dubbed then , as being new !
10 The date 1830 was chosen because it was during that year that the first true naturalist wrote .
11 Still , there can be no doubt that the first great emigration wave of our period ( 1845–54 ) was essentially a flight from hunger or pressure of population on land , basically in Ireland and Germany , which supplied 80 per cent of all transatlantic migrants in these years .
12 The whole problem was compounded by the fact that the first successful desktop publishing system was based on the Macintosh ; a computer designed to be easy to use and , therefore , give the feeling of rapid achievement .
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