Example sentences of "[noun] [not/n't] [verb] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 This is the most spectacular section of the Dee , its steep confining walls fringed by dense woodlands and its rocky bed much too rough for the passage of walkers not addicted to hard labour and who have respect for their clothes .
2 And why indeed should gamesmanship not exist in disabled sport when it is rife everywhere else ?
3 a balance sheet for all funds not included in consolidated balance sheet ;
4 The language in the samples contains syntactic patterns and inter-sentence relationships not found in oral language .
5 Sir Leon Brittan , the EC 's trade commissioner , has warned Poland and Hungary not to retaliate against western protectionism , even if they are entitled to do so .
6 Two months after the military crackdown in Beijing in June 1989 , it was announced that university student intake would be cut from 640,000 to 610,000 in the next academic year , and that " specialities mainly in the social science fields which the State has deemed for a long time to have turned out personnel not qualified for socialist construction " would be suspended .
7 For the purposes of s 287(1) , the meaning of the term should be confined to releases not given for full consideration , on the grounds that such a limitation was required by the context of s 287(1) itself and by the provisions of TA 1970 relating to company distributions as a whole ( ss 233–237 and 282–286 ) .
8 My fear was further sharpened when Tooth , the only practising Muslim aboard , stiffly emerged from below wearing his black peci hat , and proceeded to prostrate himself towards Mecca at hours not prescribed by Islamic doctrine .
9 Correspondence between the optimized conformations and the NMR data of the CRE oligomer for steps with phosphates not resonating at low field .
10 At Rothschild , for instance , they defend a decision not to invest in British biotechnology by saying that there are no good commercial ideas in Britain .
11 Sums of money not required for immediate use can be put into a deposit account on which the bank will pay interest .
12 Balanced Banking is also proving popular with around 50 per cent of the customers joining Balanced opening a new high interest savings accounts , and these accounts show higher average balances than for savings accounts not linked to Balanced Banking .
13 Tiday usually safe for small fish but dace shoals not showing in cold weather .
14 Poetic speech does not differ from ordinary speech just because it may include constructions or vocabulary not found in everyday language ( the lo ! s thous and word-order inversions conventionally allowed in English poetry ) , but because its formal devices ( such as rhyme and rhythm ) act on ordinary words to renew our perception of them , and of their sound texture in particular .
15 More important still , it was the only large town in Russia not ravaged by barbarian invasion in the thirteenth century , due to its marshy situation on the shores of Lake Ilmen , so it was able to expand and become wealthy .
16 In a deliberate attempt to embarrass Tories and High Anglicans , he cited Charles II 's Declaration of April 1681 , which had condemned the then Whig-dominated House of Commons for arresting people for matters not relating to Parliamentary privilege , whilst in defence of the right of petitioning he cited the case of the seven bishops of 1688 .
17 ( Such statements are usually opinion not supported by quoted evidence . )
18 On April 27th he signed a decree giving the president responsibility for foreign affairs and the same day warned the Serbs not to count on Russian help — a calculated snub to Serbophiles in parliament .
19 From her vantage point she watched them come in : serious-looking lads in duffle coats , earnest women in glasses and hand-knitted cardigans , the clerical students from the religious seminaries in their black suits all looking remarkably cleaner and neater than the other males not bound for religious life .
20 Theoretical or descriptive surveys not based on empirical research commonly make no reference to women at all , or allot them a specific section on ‘ work and the family ’ or some such title .
21 The best and cheapest solutions to providing domestic hot water not connected to central heating systems are likely to be an Economy 7 hot water cylinder or , if you have gas laid on , a gas circulator used with an indirect cylinder .
22 The July regulations imposed tariffs up to 20 times higher than before on goods not intended for personal use .
23 Inflation not resulting from excess demand could possibly be controlled by a prices and incomes policy .
24 By virtue of being interdisciplinary , psychobiology has some special problems not encountered in mainstream psychology .
25 The number of modules with no destination volume includes all modules in charge codes not specified for hard copying , any 0.0Z package modules for which no later issues exist and any modules filtered from hard copying .
26 I am vulnerable to the inference here that my inquiry has vested interests ; that because I am an African-American and a writer I stand to benefit in ways not limited to intellectual fulfilment from this line of questioning .
27 With middle to top-quality carpets retailing at anything from £15 to over £40 per square metre , it can be a false economy not to call in professional carpet fitters for some jobs .
28 Those who had come by carriage had dismissed their drivers with instructions not to return until early evening and now they were stranded , having to decide whether to wait or walk .
29 But because IQ is , in fact , so broadly correlated with other cognitive activities , in school and at work , it is virtually impossible to design objective measures of performance not correlated with tested intelligence , and hence subject to the same charges of ineffectuality and bias .
30 A further question that arises ( and that might be perceived on the face of this problem ) is whether dismissal by the Crown can only be for misbehaviour in office or whether it can be for an offence not related to judicial office or affecting judicial ability .
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