Example sentences of "[noun] [vb infin] [pron] [noun] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Through her reins she felt the horse cock his jaw in the hope he could take hold completely , but having sat enough ‘ bolts ’ on both Buttons and Paintbox , Artemis was wise to this , and she quickly shortened up her reins and then relaxed them , confusing the horse quite deliberately .
2 Analysts , particularly in the advertising world , ceaselessly try to unravel it , to help clients sell their products in the best markets .
3 Secondly , on the issue of the precedents for making a defendant prove his defence in the way in which the Bill requires , I argue that every year — certainly since I have been in the House — we have created numerous new offences which have defences attached to them , usually for those who can show that they acted reasonably or that they used due diligence to ensure that they avoided committing an offence .
4 His mind drifted and he let his horse find its path through the crowds .
5 So could the Portfolio work its passage in the average pocket ?
6 CamHealth for the Environment features a number of facilities to help companies meet their obligations to the ‘ duty of care ’ and ‘ duty of aftercare ’ expressed and implied in the Environmental Protection Act 1990 .
7 Long may the scum have their day in the light .
8 How will your Dream change your life in the future ?
9 From where does the law derive its categories of the ‘ person ’ and ‘ property ’ and politics its categories of ‘ shared material ’ and the ‘ polity ?
10 Most listed companies do not at present use their non-executives in the precise ways Cadbury recommends .
11 Just watch a bat weave its way through the evening sky and you may begin to glimpse something of the world it perceives .
12 For example , when should a group direct its attention to the legislature ?
13 I watched the Land-Rover grind its way up the track till a turn of the glen hid it from sight , and in a few more moments the sound of its engine had faded to silence .
14 She saw Cy change his grip on the reins ; Shine On effortlessly moved into overdrive and , in a matter of yards , was well clear of her .
15 Rather than reveal qualitative differences among the banks and draw the public 's attention to the bad-debt mess ( not to mention the responsibility for it of the finance ministry , which regulates banks ) , officials are doing everything they can to help banks sweep their problems under the carpet .
16 Nor could the G.L.C. defend its policy on the basis that it possessed a mandate to lower fares .
17 Did Jordan leave his dummy on the floor ?
18 Does the Chairman share my concern regarding the Home Secretary 's proposals containing the white paper on Police which will dramatically reduce local accountability of the Police service to the Leicestershire public .
19 The other approach is to let the TB take its course in the badger population and compensate farmers for losses they may suffer as a result of TB spreading to their cattle from the badgers .
20 The balances in London would of course have their counterpart in the US , but would be in the name of the London bank , not that of the East European bank .
21 Did the fairies take your cradle to the wrong address ?
22 Tuning in to the wingbeats may help birds maintain their position in the flock , particularly at night .
23 Ipswich hope to have Shirra make his debut in the double header with King 's Lynn on Good Friday but by then Norris will have moved , and he is due to make his first appearance for the Eagles tomorrow at King 's Lynn .
24 Drive your own car all the way , or let the train take you part of the way with a SNCF motorail package to Milan or Rome .
25 Defries said , manhandling the claws to help Ace extricate her arms from the sensor webs .
26 One sestertius might have helped the visitor pay his way during the time of Emperor Antonius Pius .
27 One sestertius might have helped the visitor pay his way during the time of Emperor Antonius Pius .
28 Are n't people like yourselves being a little bit presumptuous and perhaps even arrogant in feeling that you can help people solve their problems in the rest of the world .
29 Loopy Lil beamed with pleasure but said nothing as she watched Mrs Hollidaye fill her bowl to the brim .
30 Should not such people bear their share of the burden ?
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