Example sentences of "[noun] [to-vb] back [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I was excitedly interested in her attempt to get back to the original Gautama , instead of the stereotyped figure of the Scriptures and Buddhist tradition , and still more thrilled by her insistence that the Buddha had a gospel , good news to the people of his contemporary India and to later generations .
2 As a rule of thumb , if Target has sufficient distributable reserves to effect the purchase of its own shares , it will also have sufficient capacity to carry back against the preceding six years ' mainstream corporation tax all the ACT incurred on the distribution , so this should not be a real cost .
3 And as , in this case , we are not concerned with a specific track , there is no requirement to get back onto the original QDM .
4 This month I 'd like to take the opportunity to look back at the current series of articles featuring the Pentatonic scale , taking stock of our command of the scale all over the fretboard .
5 Persian forces crossed the river Araxes in mid-July 1826 and forced Russia 's frontier troops to fall back on the Georgian capital of Tiflis ( Tbilisi ) .
6 Let's go back and tell Faye to go back to the nursing agency with a more open mind . ’
7 It may be questioned whether this change achieves very much of a practical nature since ( a ) one still needs to look back at the common law of detinue to determine what constitutes the new form of conversion and ( b ) there still survive two torts of interference with property which have a considerable overlap with conversion , i.e .
8 The object of bereavement work with the elderly can be more one of continuing supportive intervention and understanding the old person 's need to look back over the past years and relationships than of expecting them to ‘ work through ’ their grief to its resolution .
9 A week later it is evident that Fox-type gear was coming into common usage with no need to refer back to the specific case — ‘ a teenage girl was seized by two men wearing ‘ fox-style ’ balaclavas and raped at knife-point ’ ( London Evening Standard ) .
10 The latter allows both parties a chance to stand back from the daily routine and take a harder look at overall performance .
11 Now that the time had come for the depleted garrison to shrink back inside the new fortifications , accommodation had to be found for the ladies displaced from Dr Dunstaple 's house .
12 ‘ We leave winter behind us , it seems , ’ Tagan said , turning in the saddle to look back at the still-white hills .
13 Warwick , 38 , and a veteran of 131 Grands Prix , won the world sportscar championship with Peugeot this year and has been itching for a chance to get back in the big time of Formula One .
14 It always took some time after her departure to get back into the old routine again … into the old pleasant routine .
15 Bernard Down himself believes that the service will help independents to fight back against the direct insurance writers .
16 So the offer to get back into the front line ( plus a not inconsiderable cheque from another rich Spanish sponsor ) was enough for Carruthers to switch camps .
17 They would like Britain to opt back into the social chapter , but join other EC members in attempting to renegotiate its contents .
18 The final sweaty pull up the eroded rocky path to the summit plateau of Ingleborough was warm work and it was a relief to lie back on the dry grass , rucksack for a pillow .
19 The Release control performs more or less the reverse of the Attack rotary , adjusting the time for the signal gain to fall back to the level set by the Range control .
20 The estranged wife of the Marquis of Blandford says he 's making a real effort to get back on the straight and narrow .
21 The verbal instructions are important — they will act as reminders in the days following the lesson and help the pupil to inhibit his natural tendency to slip back into the old habits .
22 If it has one significant advantage , other than its relatively low cost , it is in its ability to grow back into the complete XPS system should the user ever require such capabilities .
23 In the week after the election we asked our panel to look back Over the whole campaign and tell us how useful they had found television , the press , and other sources for : ( 1 ) helping decide what party leaders and personalities were really like ; ( 2 ) keeping them informed about the issues ; and ( 3 ) helping them decide how to vote .
24 To go to bed , we take off our shoes , then our socks to get back to the original state of bare feet .
25 So in order to get back to the medieval level , we took it back down to there and we caused the to slope .
26 Double-click on a blank area of the screen , then select the tick to get back to the main menu .
27 Investment was low , interest rates rose , there was concern over a fall in the population level from its 1974 peak of 62 million , and there were calls to cut back on the high social welfare spending built up by the SPD governments .
28 There was no time to get back into the right position , take a breath and gently squeeze the trigger ; it was up and bang , and with my whole body unbalanced and both hands on the gun I fell forward , rolling as I did so to keep the gun out the sand .
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