Example sentences of "[noun] [to-vb] the same [noun] as " in BNC.

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1 I suppose it 's too much to expect a senior Queen 's Counsel to work the same hours as ordinary folk , ’ Bragg said grumpily .
2 Manufacturers do n't want computers to suffer the same fate as educational TV — a lot of promise but precious little worthwhile application .
3 The question before me today is whether Parliament , in using similar language in section 265 , intended those words to bear the same meaning as those given to them by the House of Lords under the Act of 1914 .
4 Scientists have been holding a one-day strike in an attempt to get the same pay as their European colleagues .
5 MP Kevin McNamara wants wild animals to have the same protection as domestic pets but pro-hunters say if the sport 's outlawed it will affect rural jobs and the conservation of the countryside.LLewela Bailey reports .
6 However welcome Bourdieu 's analysis of consumers may be when contrasted to the more common attempt to explain the same material as a simple expression of business interests , the book 's impact is not enhanced by its entirely ignoring the sphere of production .
7 To ask the Secretary of State for Trade and Industry when he expects exports to reach the same level as imports .
8 The LEA 's decision to allow the child 's admission to the school was challenged by the Commission for Racial Equality , which asked the Secretary of State to use his default powers in the 1944 Act and quash the LEA 's decision , on the ground that the decision was racist and would encourage other parents to pursue the same course as Mrs C and for the same reason .
9 The problem of volume storage is compounded by the need to refresh the screen at the equivalent of 25 frames each second to achieve the same effect as television video .
10 Next , he says , SBUs may well form alliances outside the corporate group to obtain the same benefits as could be obtained by internal linkages while retaining more control over their situation .
11 ‘ We really have to get at the schoolchildren so that they learn that mentally disabled people have every right to share the same community as them .
12 The turbo is not just a bolt-on ‘ goodie ’ for a normally aspirated engine The turbo engine has uprated valve gear , bearings , fuel pump and manifolding as well as improved cooling and lubrication systems I would not expect the normal 2 5 engine fitted with an after market turbo to have the same longevity as the factory built turbo diesel engine
13 In Committee I promised the Hon. Member for Dundee East ( Mr. McAllion ) that I would follow up with the Scottish Development Agency the need for management-employee buy-out teams to receive the same treatment as any other applicant for assistance from the SDA .
14 This allows the new DC to have the same information as the aborted one and may be edited thereafter to suit the new DC .
15 Others , it says , force you to buy more than one module to achieve the same effect as you get with CustomerQ alone .
16 The firm that produces both models need not keep twice as many gearboxes in store to have the same availability as would two firms each producing one model because , unless the uncertainties are perfectly correlated , it is less likely that high production of both models will be required on any particular day than that high production of either one will .
17 But this would require three times as many pixels to get the same resolution as monochrome .
18 By the time of the election , even those with poor or biased information sources had enough accurate information to form the same judgement as those with better information sources .
19 By the time of the election , even those with poor or biased information sources had enough accurate information to form the same judgement as those with better information sources .
20 Employment law provides employees with a range of rights including the right not to be unfairly dismissed , the right not to be subject to discrimination on the grounds of race or sex , and the right for women to receive the same pay as men if employed to do the same work or if the work is considered to be of equal value .
21 Concepts such as ’ semantically correct ’ and ’ semantically incorrect ’ remain somewhat contentious , and in practice are inessential to the text recognition problem : the measure of success is not found in adherence to some formal semantic proof but simply the ability to choose the same word as a human observer would .
22 Motion four three four , Congress , calls upon the C E C to adopt the same attitudes as the banks .
23 Therefore , if a low potency is being used , it may be necessary to administer repeated doses to achieve the same effect as a single dose of a higher potency .
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