Example sentences of "[noun] [to-vb] from [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 What a relief for Great Britain that Gregory has agreed to tour and gone back on his original decision to retire from the international scene .
2 The creation of the Comintern gave them an opportunity to exclude from the Labour Party , for the first time , Marxists who wished to join it .
3 In these circumstances those of us who have benefited from the excellence of Somerville and Oxford must surely do what we can to ensure that future generations may also have the opportunity to benefit from the privileged education that we enjoyed .
4 Finally , the use of money enabled societies and nations to benefit from a greater exchange of goods/services and a more specialised labour force , and both of these factors resulted in higher living standards .
5 AS FOR the government 's negotiating strategy , Harkabi forecast that nothing would scare the ‘ extremists ’ like a readiness to talk from the other side .
6 Opportunities to depart from the National Curriculum are severely limited , except where children with particular learning difficulties are concerned , although teachers will have freedom over how they teach the National Curriculum .
7 Strange , ’ Benjamin mused , ‘ this drunk who can so cleverly bolt the door after him , now finds it impossible to repeat the action to escape from an angry war horse . ’
8 It also accounts for the extraordinary ability of shoppers to select from a huge array those goods most appropriate to themselves and their close friends or relatives .
9 One is North Korea 's declared intention to withdraw from the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty ( NPT ) after the demand of the International Atomic Energy Agency ( IAEA ) to inspect sites which Pyongyang says are non-nuclear .
10 It is rather an attempt to move from a clearer understanding of support tasks to the organisation of skill ( and staff ) mixes required to perform support tasks .
11 Walton ( 1985 ) claims that at least a thousand plants in America have transformed their workforce strategy in an attempt to move from an organizational culture of control to one based on commitment , although only a few have a comprehensive commitment strategy .
12 Turning to the labour market comparison suggested above , Friedman allows for rates of growth in the short run to deviate from the natural rate .
13 Would he assure the people of Northern Ireland and the House that as soon as possible he will remedy that appalling error , and allow Northern Ireland to benefit from the new cohesion fund as a category 1 area ?
14 Undoubtedly the most important publication to emerge from the whole study was ‘ The Flora of Uig ( Lewis ) ’ ( Ed .
15 Clearly , from the operator 's point of view , one of the favourable elements to emerge from the competitive price battle of late 1985 was the reversal of this tendency , at least temporarily .
16 Once Clifford had departed Palmer set to work to wring from the central government a series of concessions which , had he succeeded in obtaining them all , would have converted Northern Nigeria into a separate state .
17 One reason for the apparent failure of international cooperation in macroeconomic strategies is political , since any individual country has an incentive to deviate from an agreed plan of coordinated policies .
18 It only takes 10 paying guests to benefit from the reduced admission prices .
19 In World War II American servicemen who parachuted out of aeroplanes screamed the name ‘ Geronimo ’ as a war cry , perhaps to give them added incentive to jump from a great height , and the karate kiai has something of this in it , too .
20 In the terms of our earlier discussion , it is as if an external ‘ banker ’ had magically appeared , making it possible for both Bristol and Coventry to benefit from the same outcome , a draw .
21 Failure to benefit from a complete briefing in that respect can lead to a very rapid termination of your sport , so the onus is on you to ensure that you are fully aware of the exact boundaries .
22 Although the main group to benefit from the new law are the families of asbestos sufferers , the reform also affects workers dying from other forms of industrial illness , nuclear test victims and people fatally injured in road and medical accidents .
23 ‘ Planning ’ was judged to have taken place if the girl had known the man for at least six months before cohabitation and if she cohabited for positive reasons rather than because of outside pressures such as pregnancy or the need to escape from an unhappy home .
24 However , the job itself , as we have already noted , is rarely the cause of disenchantment with agriculture — indeed , in a decade that has seen a renewed interest in the countryside among young people and a growing desire to escape from the urban rat-race , agriculture could have much to offer .
25 One conclusion to emerge from a recent conference at which the Italians and Egyptians met was that the existing Cairo Egyptian Museum should be maintained .
26 It will take the London office market years to recover from the 1980s hangover and it is hard to identify any areas of growth other than building all-seater football stadiums .
27 Given that planning can not dictate that people live near to where they work , I 'm not sure I 've yet grasped why it is that the need to Greater York need to be met near to York , the these needs to rise from a complex pattern of people moving in and people moving out , individual decisions as to where people live in relation to where they work , what 's the magic of having the new settlement near to York ?
28 In a world of perfect competition it would not be possible for managers to deviate from the profit-maximization norm for any length of time even if they were tempted to pursue their own rather than the shareholders ' interests .
29 B arcelona will be Mota 's last major championship run and she wants it to be the perfect platform to retire from the international scene .
30 By nine in the evening I was fully conscious and observed out of the big window at the end of the room the light beginning to drain from a violet sky .
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