Example sentences of "[noun] [to-vb] at [art] [adj -er] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is therefore safe for a fire-engine driver to proceed at a higher speed than would be possible for other drivers .
2 This approach does however force the wireframe modeller to work at a higher level of understanding than exists in most present systems .
3 To coach them better , to give them better opportunities , to give them better opportunities to play at a higher level , to be more competitive rather earlier in their lives .
4 Mr Cavaco Silva tried put the brakes on his currency by cutting key interest rates by 1 p.c. to just under 18 p.c. and by selling escudos but the pound ended the day less than 1 p.c. away from its floor of 241.5 against the Portuguese currency , despite successful British efforts over the weekend to force Portugal to join at a higher rate than the Lisbon government had planned on Friday .
5 This reflects the almost total concern with American abolitionism of some reformers as well as a liberalism about religious matters which regretted even the refusal to allow the unbeliever Joseph Barker to speak at the earlier Manchester conference .
6 If we think of linguistic analysis as usually being linked to the sentence as the maximum unit of grammar , then the study of discourse attempts to look at the larger contexts in which sentences occur .
7 It is a biological catalyst , a catalyst being something that encourages a chemical reaction to proceed at a faster rate than it would do normally .
8 The select committees , in contrast , were to be investigating bodies where policy issues were not of first importance , the principal task being to find out what was happening inside the various government departments , to inform the House and the public , thus bringing public opinion to bear at an earlier stage while policy was still relatively fluid .
9 The House of Lords held , in effect , that since the applicant was arguing that he had a contractual right under his lease to remain at the lower rent , he was asserting private law rights and so could raise the defence in the possession proceedings in the County Court and did not have to raise it by means of an AJR .
10 ‘ David and Gary , in particular , are proof that playing for Queen 's is no barrier to progress at a higher level .
11 Well actually pottery is covered in a thin layer of glass , so that when your pot is dipped into the glazed solution , it 's simply a suspension of silicone in water which ride on the surface , to leave a powder , which is really finely ground up sand , when you put that into the kiln to fire at a higher temperature it mystifies it , it turns into glass , now it 's
12 Ada Younger is to go out to Zimbabwe in the late summer and hopes to arrange for a group from the church to go at a later date .
13 It also wants the Government to look at the wider issue of what happens to British aid and credit going into Ghana .
14 The candidate 's interests , and ability and motivation to study at a higher level are what matter . ’
15 We expressed our reservations about the conditions attached to the pay review body — both the preconditions and the ability of the Minister or the Secretary of State to interfere at a later date .
16 It has so far only managed to produce a sample P5 running at 40MHz — just two thirds of the 66MHz speed Intel intended — and can not get the thing to work at a faster rate .
17 To allow pupils to start at an earlier age , teaching will start in P6 , though our system is designed to cope with entrants at P7 and S1 as well .
18 Positivism particularly favours the indeterminate sentence : it is premature to decide at the time of sentence how long the offender should be detained for , since this may depend on how quickly the treatment works ; ideally therefore the release decision should be left in the hands of treatment experts to take at a later date .
19 Already for a number of years , employers have not been able to oblige women to retire at an earlier age than their male colleagues but by law must have a common retirement age that applies equally to both sexes .
20 He knew just when , and how , to tap , in order to receive at a deeper level than he gave .
21 A worried Bank of England used the weekend to negotiate for the Portuguese currency to start at a higher level than that planned on Friday , but it clearly was not high enough for the pound .
22 And the chairman added : ‘ While we will have to strengthen the squad to compete at the higher level , we are certainly not looking for a lot of new players .
23 And that , inevitably , casts doubts about their ability to survive at a higher level .
24 The intention had been a fairly short , impressive strike which ended on a note of strength and with the obvious ability to resume at a later date should the government drag its feet on terrorism and law and order .
25 There is , however , separate evidence which shows that the Jovian interior is indeed hot , namely , that Jupiter radiates energy to space at a greater rate than that at which it absorbs energy from the Sun .
26 Impending bankruptcy It may be preferred to activate the power to expel at an earlier date in the bankruptcy process so as to minimise the damage caused to the firm by protracted , and possibly contested proceedings .
27 That is a matter for the House to decide at a later stage .
28 As I said both in my statement and in an earlier answer , we have the option to decide at a later stage , when others enter stage 3 , whether that is the right thing for this country to do .
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