Example sentences of "[noun] [subord] [pers pn] [verb] [prep] [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 Having suffered a rare whitewash when they met in last season 's Asian Open qualifiers , the world champion was relieved to clinch a 1-0 lead in their Humo European Open quarter-final .
2 Her visitors in the Exeter nursing home where she died on 7th December saw all the qualities which made her such a servant of the trade continue unabated to the end — the common sense and humour , the courage , and the huge interest in others .
3 I think maybe I have more ill effects than I imagined from last night … ’
4 Another time , Swan flew through the night for what seemed like hours and hours until they came at last to a gigantic opening in the earth 's surface , a sort of huge gaping hole in the ground , and Swan glided slowly round and round above this massive crater and then right down into it .
5 Based on a household with two adults — assuming no rebates or transitional relief — people in Lothian living in property valued at 58,000 and above will pay more under the Council Tax than they did under last year 's Community Charge .
6 Perhaps she had been closer to the truth than she had at first suspected with her taunts about Theo Quinn ; and , although she no longer wanted Ben , she felt that , if this were to prove the case , it would be a great waste of promising material .
7 He swigged his champagne with such abandon that Ruth knew he had swallowed Maria Luisa 's explanation of their affair with the same ease as she had at first .
8 He was drilling the car through a bend at 90mph when he went for third gear — and hit first at 7,000 revs .
9 England will no doubt pay the price when it comes to next year 's World Cup Sevens at Murrayfield .
10 But the 25-year-old flyer made the most of his come-back chance when he starred in last weekend 's win at Derby .
11 The railways undercut his price and he was forced to find many more passengers than he had at first calculated .
12 I could partly understand Sally 's comments because I heard at second hand from Jack Mason about the bickering that went on between manufacturers and the players ' agents about contracts .
13 He says having been there , the crash is n't over such a wide area as we thought at first .
14 No one had wanted to believe that Paula 's beauty went right through her more than Sally did for she was a shining golden idol as well as a sister and it had been a shock to Sally when she had at last been forced to concede , in private at least , that the other girls might have been right in the accusations they made .
15 ‘ Through one acquisition or a combination of acquisitions , I would like to be in excess of $100m in revenue in Italy when we go into next year , but that will only happen if we find the right match .
16 Message : I have been thinking about your suggestion that we do not charge for ABI when we re-launch on 21st July .
17 Sixth sense for smack ; would n't know a Poussin if it moved in next door and fucked his daughter .
18 I 'm at the same hotel as we stayed at last time-but it 's not the same without you and Rosie .
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