Example sentences of "[noun] [subord] [prep] [subord] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It depends upon the problem of each horse as to whether a Chambon or side-reins are used .
2 There was evidently some dilemma in Gould 's mind as to whether a work on the birds of Europe or just the birds of Britain would prove most lucrative .
3 Then , and only then , will you be in a position to make up your own mind as to whether the pattern exists and , if so , profit by it .
4 There was considerable confusion as to whether the relief of widows was to be considered independently of either their late husbands ' failure to provide for them , or of the needs of their children .
5 This principle , he submitted , is further exemplified by the line of the Court of Justice authority which shows that the jurisdiction of the court may be invoked under this article where there is a dispute between the parties as to whether a contract in fact exists , but only if that dispute is real and genuine .
6 With regard to the end product following a supply of materials and services , it is a question of the intention of the parties as to whether the service or materials element is the most important factor .
7 In contrast , the operation of the adjustable peg was characterized by disputes as to whether the burden of adjustment should be borne by deficit or surplus countries .
8 Preliminary reports gave no indication as to whether a bomb had caused the blast , which occurred as the train was travelling through Daghestan , an autonomous republic of the Russian Federation immediately to the north of Azerbaijan .
9 Also there were doubts as to whether the panelling in the proposed new location was strong enough to take the weight of the new clock and its ‘ sculptured ’ bracket .
10 After many doubts as to whether the event would go as planned , or if a significant number of aircraft would turn-up , the celebrations held over the weekend went off without a hitch and the whole town was enveloped in Norseman fever or Norsemania , as the local press called it .
11 If there are substantial doubts as to whether the provision of charity schools was ever sufficiently widespread , directed or differentiated from earlier , or later , efforts to have constituted a special movement , there is none that school provision for the poor in the middle and later years of the century remained uneven and spasmodic .
12 Alternative action in the High Court under s.100 of the 1936 Act requires no such permission but uncertainty as to whether the defence of best practicable means is available to such an action is a further deterrent to local authorities contemplating taking action under this section .
13 There is uncertainty as to whether the exchange of trading stamps for goods is a sale or an exchange .
14 Some alienation provisions contain surrender-back clauses which should be strongly resisted by the tenant , as they lead to uncertainty as to whether the tenant will be permitted to assign the lease to the person of its choosing , and unless carefully worded could result in the tenant obtaining less from the landlord on surrender than it would have done from the assignee .
15 If there is uncertainty as to whether the defendant 's negligence has caused the damage , it has to be determined what degree of probability of damage occurring has to be established by the plaintiff .
16 The EC was due to fund between 25 and 40 per cent of the £250 million ( Ecu355 million ) project , but has now postponed the decision out of uncertainty as to whether the project will be economically viable .
17 The appellant appealed pursuant to section 19A(2) of the Act on the grounds , inter alia , that ( 1 ) the judge failed to consider a wide range of relevant factors in deciding whether to make the order ; ( 2 ) the judge applied the wrong test as to whether the appellant had acted unreasonably ; ( 3 ) the judge failed to give reasons for the making of the order and neither ascertained the amount of wasted costs incurred , nor what party had incurred the wasted costs ; and ( 4 ) had wrongly used the section 19A procedure to punish the appellant .
18 This appeal raises a single issue as to whether a landlord who has obtained an order for possession in the county court against the statutory tenant is entitled to resort to self-help and take possession of the premises himself without involving the bailiff in executing the order for possession .
19 It is a matter of construction of the contract and the surrounding circumstances as to whether the prohibition is intended merely to place the vendor in breach of contract and exposed to a claim for damages or whether the prohibition is intended to render the assignment ineffective and make it clear that the contract is personal .
20 He found no dissent from this view , although there was disagreement as to whether a State whose security was affected by the conclusion of a treaty between other States could likewise intervene .
21 So , despite the detailed and extensive studies of the monetarists , there is still disagreement as to whether the money supply is the prime cause of fluctuations in money incomes and prices .
22 It was interesting to note that the responses to the CRUS question as to whether a member of library staff was designated as training officer also indicated that title held is not necessarily indicative of time devoted to training .
23 This approach seems to beg the question as to whether a suicide can ever be regarded as being in their right mind .
24 The question as to whether an unchaste priest might celebrate the mass became important .
25 It is perhaps for this reason that the Court of Appeal in Faccenda left open the question as to whether an employee could sell the information which was comprised in the skills acquired in the course of employment which he could not be prevented from using himself .
26 Leaving aside the question as to whether the State and reformers were successful in affecting young people , the process itself was instrumental in creating a new image for youth , one which in common with so many of its other images , emphasized incapacity while seeking to deepen its dependence on the appropriate agencies .
27 The question as to whether the contract was a consumer deal arose in Rasbora Ltd. v. J.C.L .
28 It is difficult to answer the question as to whether the papacy may be accounted a financial power of importance on a European level .
29 But in our present context , it raises the question as to whether the call of the Killer whaler is recognized instinctively by a new-born seal or porpoise or whether it is learnt during adolescence , while in the company of parents .
30 Nevertheless , says the Crown Prince , ‘ I agreed absolutely with his proposal that the question as to whether the offensive should be continued or broken off should be settled by the result of the partial attack on the East [ Right ] Bank . ’
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