Example sentences of "[noun] [v-ing] back [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 We noticed now a trail of well-trodden snow winding back towards the shore , obviously a route known to be safe by the experienced locals .
2 As we were talking , out of the corner of my eye I could see Balvinder Singh stumbling back from the cooking-corner of the tent , holding a plate piled high with hot pakoras .
3 Lord Vansittart , a former Foreign Office official , had written a pamphlet entitled Black Record blaming the Germans for a record of barbarism going back to the era of the Roman Empire .
4 There 's Bigwig coming back along the bottom , and the other two with him . "
5 The thump of the back wheel coming back into the gutter brought Bob 's window down .
6 It was better than having your screenplay flopping back on the mat by return of post .
7 ‘ Look , ’ said his Mum looking back at the house .
8 He said that the official in charge of antiquities at the Nasiriya Museum had received from the Americans a ‘ very small number ’ of terracotta objects dating back to the dawn of mankind and the Babylonian period , some of which had only recently been broken .
9 The objects offered in the present sale have been culled from ‘ [ secret ] warehouses dating back to the start of the Revolution in 1949 and also from the time of the Cultural Revolution ’ .
10 As he watched Melody walking back to the farm , deliberately exaggerating the swing of her hips for his benefit , Seb was thinking of Anna .
11 An example of presentation infidelity , uncovered in our survey , was where companies showed a series of columns sloping back towards the right away from the common baseline of the X axis .
12 The Doctor and Blake walked down an alleyway heading back to the entrance to hell .
13 In the passage leading back to the northbound platform of the Northern Line they stopped in a corner , the man got out his mouth organ and the bear began to dance .
14 In a separation section , the sludge is discharged , the clean sand going back into the system , so that the process of filtration is continuous and the " filter " is self-cleaning .
15 She watched him walk away along the corridor heading back towards the club , her heart feeling lighter than it had for the past week .
16 God , it was Tessa coming back from the bathroom !
17 She heard the door open and close , then his footsteps coming back along the corridor and go into the sitting room .
18 Porter merely regarded the man indifferently , his gaze straying back to the woman .
19 This infill could come from ejecta falling back into the crater , including molten rock from the impact , lava from volcanic activity , and dust from the walls and beyond .
20 Are The Orb the smiling , blissed-out face of a sinister intergalactic plot stretching back before the dawn of mankind itself ?
21 The Old Testament kings had been initiated with unction ; and in any case the Carolingians , unlike their Merovingian predecessors amongst the Franks , could not depend for their sacrality upon a long royal genealogy stretching back into the past .
22 As a matter of principle , the bank in such circumstances should not be entitled to rely on the transaction and this is the view which has been taken by a series of authorities going back to the beginning of this century .
23 But the risk of rocket failure was considered too high , potentially bringing the radioactivity raining back into the earth 's atmosphere .
24 The ILEA covered the area of the former LCC and thus ensured a continuity going back to the establishment of the London School Board in 1870 ( Maclure 1988 : 110 — 11 ) .
25 Craig hurried up the stairs as the knocking became more insistent and paused for a moment staring back to the hallway .
26 It was reported by a bloke down the hill coming back from the pub .
27 Holly coming back to the bench after an hour 's walk that had taken him to the ski jump where the young people gathered to watch the first of the winter 's athletes propel themselves into the dizzy air flows .
28 Leeds started out the second half the way they played the first , but lost their way badly during the course with Oldham coming back into the game strongly .
29 The old Roman calendar of festivals contained a cycle of urban celebrations reaching back to the city 's legendary foundation .
30 Results suggest that symptoms due to DGR may be related to the sensitivity of the gastric lining as well as the amounts of duodenal contents flowing back into the stomach .
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