Example sentences of "[noun] [v-ing] it a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 This is magical , and gives the rider of any horse wearing it a +20 bonus to all Ride tests .
2 The Company felt very pleased when in 1717 it received an imperial decree giving it a good deal of the territorial autonomy for which its ambitious employees had hoped in the 1680s and , in return for an annual payment of 13,000 rupees , freed it from paying customs duties inside India , but there is no sign that the Company realized that developments of this sort showed the Moghul Empire was beginning to lose control of the country .
3 Step 3 CAPTION — When you have finished making changes name the new palette giving it a suitable name and file name .
4 Essentially , this is a consumer protection device making it a criminal offence to sell , by way of competitive bidding , prescribed articles listed in s3(2) : … any plate , plated articles , linen , china , glass , books , pictures , prints , furniture , jewellery , articles of household or personal use , or ornament or any musical or scientific instrument or apparatus .
5 Le Ponant , named after a trade wind and a small group of islands off Brittany , is 88 metres of sheer grace and beauty , its three huge sailing masts making it a breathtaking sight .
6 Lord Hailsham along with Edward Heath poured millions of pounds into the town making it an industrial centre .
7 As oil pastels are a very sticky substance , they grip the paper well and the paper colour will show through the sketch giving it a unifying effect .
8 The upper glen is delightful , the River Strontian and lovely trees giving it a parklike character .
9 PSR1706–44 has a short period , 102.4ms , a rapid spin-down rate giving it a characteristic age of only 17,300 years and considerable timing noise ( S.J. , R.N.M. , V.M.K. , A.G.L. & N.D'A. , manuscript in preparation ) .
10 The Committee not only recommended statutory provision making all surrogacy agreements illegal and therefore unenforceable in the courts , but also called for the introduction of legislation rendering it a criminal act for any person to assist in the establishment of a surrogate pregnancy .
11 Indeed Michael Blair did it full justice several times last night and who says Josef Locke was n't standing in the wings giving it an envied ear
12 The company says that the machines are the first real-time multiprocessing computers to use the 88110 and represent a unique 88110 implementation with large caches , local memory , and high input-output throughput supporting multiple input-output buses making it a balanced system for real-time computing .
13 Midas , in Sloane Square , sells exclusive designer fashionwear making it an obvious target for jet-set shoplifters looking for the ultimate bargain .
14 During the election campaign Gamsakhurdia 's opponents had concentrated on attacking what they claimed were his dictatorial tendencies ( a week before the election his ruling Round Table-Free Georgia coalition had sponsored legislation passed by the Georgian parliament making it a criminal offence , punishable by up to six years in prison , to insult the Georgian President ) .
15 The Allegrini has a pleasant , bitter cherry finish — the touch of austerity making it an ideal foil to buttery pasta .
16 And they spurred forward to pursue and take him , no doubt believing it a happy chance for them , and the Lord Owen caused his horse to appear to drop lame , and so encouraged and led them until they were spread all along the field in open order , within close range of the bowmen in the woods .
17 Obviously you would need to sweeten this unless you have very eccentric taste buds — but saccharin sweeteners can do the job without calorie cost making it an acceptable drink .
18 For the second day running , up to 30 commuters yesterday took over a carriage on an early-morning service from Colchester to Liverpool Street and put up posters declaring it a smoking zone .
19 A party may also avoid being in breach by including clauses giving it a unilateral right to change the contents of the contractual obligations , such as clauses allowing the seller to change the delivery date , deliver a different quantity from that ordered by the buyer , alter colours , specifications etc. ( b ) Excluding liability A second alternative is for a clause to state , baldly , that a contracting party is not to be liable , or responsible , for stipulated acts .
20 Once this combination has been achieved at the top , the pulling action from the left Latissimus Dorsi , Trapezius and Deltoid starting down will automatically start the transfer of your weight from right to left making it a natural movement for the legs to drive forward .
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