Example sentences of "[noun] [v-ing] at [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Paige said quickly , heart thumping at the very idea .
2 Among those noting Xu 's habit of using just one board ( ingredients are so fresh and so quickly prepared that food poisoning is not considered a threat ) is Keith Mitchell , team captain of the British chefs competing at the culinary Olympics in Frankfurt next year , and head chef at the Grand Hotel , Eastbourne , East Sussex .
3 The different frequencies of light are what the human eye sees as different colors , with the lowest frequencies appearing at the red end of the spectrum and the highest frequencies at the blue end .
4 His plan was based on the marine lieutenant landing at the Old Quay slipway in the North Harbour and creating a diversion there , while Jones himself landed , undetected it was hoped , on the south foreshore , put the battery there out of action and then , passing round the town , knocked out the North Battery , before joining up with the other party to burn the shipping in both harbours .
5 The flames did help to disperse the fog and also to make the runway more visible , but of course one air field could n't hope to cope with all the 8 Group heavies returning at the same time , and things were pretty chaotic for a few hours .
6 The practitioner travels in all directions , executing various movements , with the final technique ending at the very point where he began .
7 Gemma sits like a reclining obelisk with messy hair dyed a shade lighter than his , large eyes resting at an artful slant , a full mouth .
8 Robyn pursed her lips and tilted her chin , eyes flashing at the scathing tone of his voice .
9 By searching for flashes repeating at exactly the same rate as the radio pulses , they were able to investigate much fainter pulsations than if they had been looking for pulses occurring at an unknown rate .
10 He fingered his jaw thoughtfully , eyes glittering at the scarlet patches in her cheeks .
11 Bending , he feathered a kiss along her cheek , his cool lips pausing at the delicate curve of her ear .
12 The reason that you use hot air is to keep that combustion going at a good temperature .
13 There had been a cancellation so two seats would be available on a Tarom flight five days hence with a Romanian Automobile Club hire car waiting at the other end .
14 Cambridge were left high and dry for a time this afternoon as Oxford followed in the footsteps of many a champion boxer and left the opposition waiting at the official weigh-in .
15 Nobody could expect you to think up anything as stupid as a dumb movie actress aiming at the front page . ’
16 The ILP leadership , feeling it had a mandate from the Easter Conference , made preparations for a Special Conference at which it would make : a recommendation for disaffiliation , and for the re-organisation of the ILP as an independent Socialist Party with a programme aiming at a decisive change from Capitalism to Socialism .
17 Erm , the simulator will be developed er for this aircraft starting at the same time as we enter the production investment phase .
18 Then you tell the story of the murder and the subsequent investigation , adroitly working in the fact that there was a red light shining at the vital time and place , using one of the ways of tricking your reader into " noticing and not noticing " this that we looked at in the previous chapter , and you also harp like mad on the impossibility of a person in a black dress or suit having been on hand at the moment the murder was committed .
19 This means that a 40 ton lorry travelling at 70 miles an hour has 53 times the destruction power and maiming power that is possessed by a 0.75 ton sports car travelling at the same speed .
20 Luther Reynolds clenched the sides of the chair , his large fists curling and uncurling , and his fiery dark eyes glaring at the determined face of David Miller , the stepson he had come to resent with such bitterness that he could taste it .
21 We see Othello clutching at the last flickers of his memory of Desdemona as she was , for him ( and as of course she still is ) : Not your way , because not my way .
22 They 're useful in surgery to keep blood flowing at the right speed and sucking old blood from re-attached parts so new blood flows in quickly .
23 The whole procedure is initiated by a demand for data arising at the first site .
24 Some time later I heard a chink of glass and looked up to find Dennis sitting at a nearby table with a half-empty bottle of chilled rosé .
25 Chest x ray showed evidence of previous tuberculosis and some pleural thickening at the left base , which was thought likely to be long standing ( Fig 1 ) .
26 Finally , computed tomography of the chest showed pleural thickening at the left lung base in an area corresponding to that previously noted on a chest x ray ( Fig 3 ) .
27 Flinging it wide , she made to thrust the other woman from the house , only to be brought up short by the sight of two gentlemen standing at the other end of the long covered porch .
28 Is that ambition functioning at a high level or is it just a sense of obligation or is it idealism ?
29 Rocky , busy waving his charges on board , glanced over his shoulder in time to see a small group of dark shapes disappearing at a fast lope round the bend of the curving driveway .
30 Last night the old campaigner Benn was at an end of election meeting at a local community hall ; tonight there is a post-count tea with sandwiches .
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