Example sentences of "[noun] [v-ing] [adv prt] into [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Looking past Adam , she saw Fand had stopped by another set of steps winding up into the rock .
2 Street activities have increased by 60 per cent in Moabit and there is evidence elsewhere too of cafés , shops and restaurants spilling out into the street .
3 Still , it 's a magnificent place , perched on a great rock jutting out into the sea and with commanding views .
4 It has a flight of steps leading down into the depths , and its main feature is a high waterfall that emerges from behind a wedged boulder known as Mohammed 's Coffin .
5 She felt as if she were sinking deeper and deeper in her own panic , her whole consciousness going down into a quicksand while her body stood there , stupid with fear .
6 Perhaps yeah I think you must have been airborne at that stage to be er , had such a enormous flame going up into the balloon .
7 The thump of the back wheel coming back into the gutter brought Bob 's window down .
8 She tries to push it out and black beads form on her skin , ribbons of dark flowing out into the water .
9 From the window I could see that the block on the far side to the right had had most of its front ripped off , and Eliot commented how odd and rather disturbing it was to see a bath on an upper storey sticking out into the void , as in a surrealist picture .
10 Through the middle kitchen window he could just make out the open gate , the wooden ramp covering the steps and the first huge saddle-back sow ambling down into the yard .
11 Annette Chevallier 's recent show of paintings occupied one of the rooms in the gallery spilling out into a corner of the Victorian paintings , while opposite was a touring exhibition of European ceramics .
12 When Hari returned she saw that Craig was standing at the window looking out into the darkness .
13 In a separation section , the sludge is discharged , the clean sand going back into the system , so that the process of filtration is continuous and the " filter " is self-cleaning .
14 Through the open French window leading out into the garden , Matt could see Cindy sitting on a swinging bench with Emma 's children on either side of her .
15 This infill could come from ejecta falling back into the crater , including molten rock from the impact , lava from volcanic activity , and dust from the walls and beyond .
16 The Old Testament kings had been initiated with unction ; and in any case the Carolingians , unlike their Merovingian predecessors amongst the Franks , could not depend for their sacrality upon a long royal genealogy stretching back into the past .
17 Louise cried out as she felt her body tumbling down into the blackness .
18 But the risk of rocket failure was considered too high , potentially bringing the radioactivity raining back into the earth 's atmosphere .
19 He lay there , aware of the weight of his body pressing down into the softness of the bed , of the rise and fall of his chest with each breath , the flow of his blood .
20 The dusty cart-track had become a lawn ; the village houses had given way to straight , symmetrical lines of bottle-palms ; in the borders the lilies and irises were in full bloom — wonderful swathes of azure and magenta leading on into the char-bagh .
21 Interesting comparisons there should be here between two Wagnerian divas moving over into the Strauss Fach , with special attention to the Four Last Songs , both recorded live at concerts , but there is no contest .
22 ‘ I will happily drive you to your front door , little one , ’ he said dryly , ‘ but I have the feeling you would prefer not to waken your parents with the noise of the vulgar Alfa revving off into the night . ’
23 She was glued to the chair , fascinated by that sharp profile staring down into the street below .
24 Leeds started out the second half the way they played the first , but lost their way badly during the course with Oldham coming back into the game strongly .
25 On the basis of the much more complete seismic data available by the late 196()s it was being suggested that the inclined zone of seismicity ( the Wadati-Benioff zone ) associated with island arcs and active continental margin mountain belts could be explained by the existence of a slab of lithosphere plunging down into the mantle .
26 Results suggest that symptoms due to DGR may be related to the sensitivity of the gastric lining as well as the amounts of duodenal contents flowing back into the stomach .
27 The Association 's chairman , Paul Bell , said there were signs of confidence creeping back into the market but there was room for additional measures if a fullblown recovery was to be seen .
28 When tall , angled , high-gabled and firm , they have perfected the art of looming , and some of their gateways are arched with stone , and some of their tower windows might still have a Mary , Queen of Scots , or a tartan Lady of Shalott roaming soulfully behind their small winking panes , or a Rapunzel leaning out into the sunshine .
29 Our meeting then broke up , Mandeville stalking back into the hall whilst we returned to our chambers .
30 After a hundred yards or so , the drive divided , leading in one direction towards a classroom block , in the other fanning out into a courtyard where cars were parked either side of the main entrance .
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