Example sentences of "[noun] [v-ing] [adv prt] into [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 I stood by the window staring out into the foggy darkness , taking deep breaths to try and stifle some hollow feeling of new disease .
2 Why should Shadrach contemplate for a moment stepping back into the burning fiery furnace ?
3 The two men made their way silently along the roof , until they were seated on either side of the skylight looking down into the deserted corridor below .
4 The trick is preventing the fire in the midriff breaking out into a public conflagration .
5 A vignette is an illustration without border or frame , the picture shading off into the surrounding paper .
6 He could see the Tientsin clearly through the transparent walls of the car , its underbelly glowing , great wreaths of mist swirling up into the cold air overhead .
7 Beautiful cover showing a window opening into the past for this time travel tale about an Oxford student stepping back into the Middle Ages to finish her thesis and ending up in the middle of the plague .
8 A sharp , heavy knock sent Nadia scrambling out into the cold half-light of the early morning .
9 The first thing I noticed as we arrived at the famous pot was a fixed caving rope leading down into the dark abyss , and I could n't resist scrambling across to peer in .
10 The house was quite high on the slopes and he could see the main road down into the town , and behind that the mountains on the other side of the valley sweeping up into the changing skies .
11 This can be effectively reinforced by ‘ necking down ’ the junction , with pavements swelling out into the former roadway to reduce both vehicle speeds and the crossing width of the street for walkers .
12 The well had a little wooden roof over it and a simple winding device and there was the rope dangling down into a dark bottomless hole .
13 There are high ceilings , tall windows , moulded cornices and a splendid original staircase with a mahogany handrail sweeping down into a carved lion 's head .
14 What I saw was principally field upon field rolling off into the far distance .
15 Some of our juniors had success towards the end of the year , and our men getting back into the top group of the Davis Cup was a great boost .
16 Everyone round the table listens intently to the story — the Chases , the Waylands , the Chyldes , the Kessels , the Bernsteins , Charles Aught , Luci Hayter , Rayner Keat , and Francis Fairlie who is still hesitating about what life to commit himself to — a great audience stretching back into the dim recesses of the room , a densely cultivated field growing faces .
17 Louise Butler watched her potential saviours drive away , their horn blaring out into the dark night .
18 I had got away by a lucky stroke and there would be no problem getting back into the Grand because one of my pals would be on sentry duty and it would be a case of " pass friend " .
19 At St Louis every round-arched opening was made an excuse for a riot of sculptural detail spreading out into a great fan .
20 Even with full flap the aeroplane is quite clean , so maximum drag is used to get the power setting up into the quick-response range for a safe goaround .
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