Example sentences of "[noun] [v-ing] [adv prt] at [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Mrs Hollidaye 's dogs were left inside the car bobbing up at the rear window .
2 I would be sitting in the car looking out at the fascinating scenery , my mum and my brother would be doing the same , my sister would be looking at a book and my dad would be driving .
3 Mr Michael Poynor , the adjudicator , commended director Harry Foy for an energetic production which kept the action moving along at a fast pace .
4 The damp wind blowing in at the open door made him shiver and he went to wake the others .
5 He stared moodily at the photograph at the thin face with its moustache and big ears smiling out at an unimaginable future .
6 You could see the prisoners looking back at the two bodies in the centre of the carnage ; there was a lot of blood now , spreading in pools .
7 As the sun begins to set , I drive along Vermont gazing up at the eerie silhouettes of young Korean men armed with M-16s , machine pistols and infra-red binoculars .
8 He looked round at her , standing beside him in the corridor bar looking out at the stupid countryside .
9 Gina sprang to her feet glaring down at the golden-skinned Dane lounging opposite her .
10 ‘ Less aggro signing on at the Social Security . ’
11 Her call came after the surrender of the last group of rebels holding out at a military air base at Mactan in the central Philippines .
12 She stood for a moment staring round at the flickering shadows thrown by the lone candle , the fire had died long since and the room was cold and suddenly lonely .
13 Young Ian Fletcher scored two touchdowns from full-back , and Dave McKee , Stuart Munro and Trevor Carmichael had the others , as West kept the scoreboard ticking over at a steady rate throughout the match .
14 I was dragged out of the cave , through the waterfall , to lie on my back gazing up at the fast-moving clouds in the blue sky ; and I thought to myself , Those clouds are free , just as I was until now .
15 Robyn lay on her back looking up at the cloudless sky .
16 It is our intention to keep goods turning over at a livelier pace and it would therefore be appreciated if you would return any goods which you are unable to sell .
17 Even when set up correctly some units have their clip lights coming on at the slightest provocation , while the Alpha seems to have more headroom before it clips , which should therefore mean less chance of unwanted distortion .
18 Through the wide forward unopening windows there was a riveting view of the rails stretching ahead , signals shining green in the distance , trees flashing back at a useful seventy miles an hour .
19 The next day , some well-planted flowers and a nippy little spider that jumped quite considerable chasms to get to where it wanted to go showed me that juice was still to be had for Life and , quite soon after , I found bits of myself on a train looking out at the curious modern mixture of silver birch trees growing on slag heaps .
20 There 's a lot of shelling and mortaring going on at the other end of the village . ’
21 OS/2 will get 8.5% of the total workstation market by 1996 , it says , with Unix coming in at a hefty 47% and Windows NT possibly capturing 30–40% of the office desktop/workstation market .
22 Reaction to their two recently-rescued Sam Powell ales , formerly brewed by the Sam Powell Brewery in Newtown , Powys , is also very encouraging , with repeat orders coming in at a good rate .
23 One of the most productive nurseries in the world , the Yorkshire League , has become almost barren and the time has come to pluck from another , rich in blossoms — Shivaji Park , Bombay , where you can stand on the roof-top of the small pavilion and watch 15 games going on at the same time .
24 She did n't know much about art before but there was an exhibition of my Old Masters going on at the Royal Academy and she saw that , and was very enthusiastic about it , especially the Holbein portrait of Henry VIII .
25 The others , grouped around him , stood in silence looking down at the stricken man .
26 Five minutes later they stood on the grassy bank looking down at the brown water .
27 A large enzyme pool turning over at the same rate as a small one would produce more new enzyme , which would result in a greater amount of enzyme being available for secretion .
28 But for Major 's official papers , the pantechnicon drawing up at the back door might be unnecessary .
29 I stand up there in the pulpit every Sunday mornin' looking down at the upturned faces searchin' for yours , but in vain .
30 Land-agents and estate agents passing through at the brief moment of negotiation are likely to be more exclusively dominated by the money motive .
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