Example sentences of "[noun] [v-ing] [adv prt] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He looked down at Tom 's heavy brown ankle boots , his thick navy overcoat and the green corduroy cap with the tufts of white hair sticking out at either side .
2 Just a tall , thin , cross man with a loud voice , pale , staring , pop-eyes , and tufts of spiky hair sticking out from each nostril .
3 Brad disappears to change clothes , and , when he returns , a grey T-shirt hanging out over green satin pyjama bottoms ‘ for maximum comfort ’ , offers me a cup of coffee .
4 This structure was only the remains of a bridge , and necessitated a crossing hanging on to one piece of rusty wire while balancing on another single line swinging perilously below .
5 Older children might prefer the pirate 's treasure chest brimming over with stolen loot , or the sophisticated speed cruiser and space rocket .
6 Afterwards Martha provided ham and a salad with hard-boiled eggs like gleaming bald heads sticking out from limp lettuce leaves for the few people who turned up .
7 Mr Deputy Speaker I 'm just about to come on the South Wales police but I will answer the point directly , er I and my honourable friend the parliamentary secretary are always willing to discuss with local government , matters relating to local government finance and we have done so over the months leading up to this settlement and my honourable and right honourable friends in the Home Office are always willing to discuss matters on the police er where they are important and warrant a ministerial meeting and that again has happened recently with the Home Office min minister discussing this very issue .
8 He kept his eyes fixed on the crest of the hill over which she would appear freewheeling down on her bicycle , black hair streaming and her long skirt ballooning out on either side like a bat 's wings .
9 She was a fairy who married a mortal to gain a soul , and made a pact that he would never spy on her on Saturdays , and for years he never did , and they had six sons , all with strange defects — odd ears , giant tusks , a catshead growing out of one cheek , three eyes , that sort of thing .
10 It was a light , airy room with some small paintings on the wall and two small clean bedrooms leading off on each side .
11 A TV commentator told viewers during the final morning 's play : ‘ We have seen plenty of seam lifting going on in this match . ’
12 The first fruits of their mental endeavour are a sobering awareness of the likely complexities of the post-war Middle East and an unease about the meagre quantity of strategic thinking going on in other European and Arab capitals .
13 The thought of la belle dame de Bruges coming out with such stuff beggars belief .
14 TOWN halls should not use dirty tricks , harassment or intimidation to stop schools opting out of local council control , Education Secretary John Patten warned yesterday .
15 A 10-FOLD increase in the number of schools opting out of local authority control is likely to be the most dramatic consequence of the Conservatives ’ victory , writes John Clare , Education Editor .
16 There are divisions too on schools opting out of local authority control and on the National Curriculum .
17 ‘ There are too many designers starting out without proper backing , borrowing money from their mothers or making collections on Visa cards , ’ he says .
18 I think there 's a day of action coming up on this sort of D I Y stuff .
19 That may be so Chairman , but with these two four bedroom houses there could be another six to eight cars coming out of that entrance ,
20 Mr Salem said there was an enormous increase in French , Dutch and Spanish shoppers cashing in on favourable exchange rates .
21 He should be working , she thought , her mind taking off down another route .
22 Motorbikes taking off with ear-shattering roar .
23 She swallowed carefully , her mind skittering back to that day at the office when Rebecca had returned unexpectedly and disturbed them .
24 The photograph on the facing page shows a pair of pictures , illustrating two curved designs bending round towards each other .
25 The published departmental ratings arising out of this Review , insofar as they applied to Scottish geology , are discussed in Chapter 2 .
26 " Oh I 've been 'ere a few times and I 've heard some bleedin' awful screams comin' out of that room .
27 Links between sentences can to some extent be made explicit in a similar way , by using connectives such as therefore , thus , on the other hand , or words referring back to previous sentence ( Turner , 1973 ) .
28 For some reason this sentiment , which will presumably bring a mass of redundant typewriters and used notebooks bearing down in this direction , goes unmentioned in a report published today .
29 He looked , little doubt of it , considerably relieved , but clearly there was something on his mind , for he stood hesitantly beside the table , his eyes scouting around for some object upon which to focus .
30 He saw Kimberley and Killion curling in from either side , and wondered that they were both intact .
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