Example sentences of "[noun] [v-ing] [coord] [v-ing] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Since that date certain material implications have followed for those subgroups and school subjects promoting or representing the academic tradition .
2 It is moving towards a crowned deity , a hero kneeling and holding a curved implement , presumably a knife .
3 With right side of work facing and leaving a loose end , insert needle from front to back between the loops at centre , four rows from the start of the panel .
4 One of the most characteristic signals of a cat entering or leaving a social group is the raising of its tail .
5 At lunchtime a cool glass of Guinness , with that gentle hint of hops animates the taste buds balancing and enlivening the subtle taste of fine cheeses .
6 They spent three intense weeks correcting and rechecking the entire book , and it was ready in time to be in the bookstores by the April publication date .
7 In all localities social workers introducing or visiting an elderly person in a private or voluntary Home have an overall responsibility for all residents , if there are disquieting indications to report ( Marshall , 1988 ) .
8 Fluted strips holding and framing the decorative panels were of tinned bronze ( Bruce-Mitford 1978 ) .
9 Now in pursuance of the premisses the said lords spirituall and temporall and commons in Parlyament assembled for the ratifying confirming and establishing the said declaration and the articles clauses matters and things therein contained by the force of a law made in due for me by authority of Parlyament doe pray that it may be declared and enacted that all and singular the rights and liberties asserted and claimed in the said declaration are the true auntient and indubitable rights and liberties of the people of this king dome and soe shall be esteemed allowed adjudged deemed and taken to be and that all and every the particulars aforesaid shall be firmly and strictly hold en and observed as they are expressed in the said declaration .
10 Before committing yourself to anything involving payment it 's important to establish whether there are special conditions restricting or preventing the usual development rights .
11 We are little switchboard centres handling and rerouting the great endless current of information . ’
12 This might include offering a verbal report to a staff meeting or circulating a short written report , asking pupils to identify any pieces of information they would like brought back from the secondment , or giving a talk to a tutor group .
13 These guidelines have been prepared for the information and guidance of staff in centres preparing and offering the National Certificate in Travel , and should be read in conjunction with the module descriptors .
14 And to what extent will top management have to accept as its top priority making and maintaining a common vision across professional specialties ?
15 ‘ Most networks still are n't constructed in anticipation of people needing or wanting a plug-in connection for a portable at their desk . ’
16 One highly important way in which capital gains an advantage in this conflict is , they claim , through capital establishing and maintaining a dominant ideology which legitimates the status quo .
17 Enclosure may not have been the only or even the most potent of the forces increasing and impoverishing the rural proletariat in the southern and Midland counties , but it was impor-tant in bringing many to a total wage-dependency .
18 The excitement is contagious , with many new birds arriving and performing the mobbing display without even seeing the bird of prey that is causing the commotion .
19 Coach tour of the city seeing or visiting the Servian walls , Aurelian walls , gates of the city and Praetorian camp , pyramid of Cestius , temples of the Forum Boarium , theatre of Marcellus , mausoleum of Augustus , Pantheon and Baths of Diocletian .
20 Harrow topped the league table with 89 per cent of its pupils reaching or bettering the required standard .
21 The problem was tackled by cutting down on coal burning and introducing the Clean Air Act .
22 Many a promising liaison must have been nipped in the bud by Algernon being a duffer at flower arranging or breaking the significant corn stalk with a clumsy tweak ; and many a passion choked to premature death because Augusta absentmindedly pinched the petals off her posy of moss rosebuds and myrtle .
23 On one hand the public demands ever more complex and advanced technology while at the same time mistrusting and denigrating the scientific/technological base that helps to produce today 's high standard of living in the developed world .
24 Within a period of one month the Commission will decide whether there are any serious doubts as to the merger creating or strengthening a dominant position to the likely detriment of effective competition .
25 I rolled the two pellets of wax between the forefingers and thumbs of each hand and then replaced them in the opposite ears , the whole time humming and appreciating the bitable texture of the linoleum beneath my soles .
26 We have spent a great deal of time recognising and analysing the political problems we face and comparatively less time looking at ways to get rid of them .
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