Example sentences of "[noun] [v-ing] [pers pn] [prep] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 So when the station came clean , they had to field several angry calls accusing them of pro-Nottingham Forest bias .
2 We went off to parade for lunch ; this meant ten minutes doing press-ups with the Corporal halting us in mid exercise so that we were poised between the ground and the arms-stretched position — as our limbs weakened so people started to slump and collapse , which resulted in kicks and blows .
3 The next step , which only the most well-off men such as restaurant owners can afford , is keeping this wife in semi-purdah — in other words sentencing her to solitary confinement .
4 One particular Easter , a beautiful day , I remember an overwhelming fear filling me with absolute terror as we stood outside the ticket office after returning from a journey .
5 Even before he got to her she was mesmerised , the dark eyes holding her with complete ease , and she had to bring herself quickly back to the present to do what she had planned and set matters on an even footing straight away .
6 Unix pioneer Larry Michels , president , chairman , chief executive and co-founder of The Santa Cruz Operation Inc , has resigned in the wake of a civil suit filed by three former executive secretaries charging him with sexual harassment ( UX No 415 , 416 ) .
7 This is a large pool , 6.5 ft by 39.5 ft , with a wide flight of steps entering it from one end .
8 Caroline paced her bedroom , her furious steps taking her from one end of the handsome room to the other .
9 Easily Accessible : Several walks taking you through unspoilt countryside begin near the hotel .
10 This is a statement of law as it should be , rather than as it is , but there is nothing to stop the courts developing it in this direction .
11 Listening once to him on the Bench I recalled an occasion when the aged and formidable boys ' maid who looked after our rooms had stood with arms akimbo accusing him of some peccadillo , and ended her tirade : " Mr Phillimore , do n't you stand there lying like Ananias ! "
12 Levering himself up to sit back on his heels and pulling her easily with him , he lifted her on to his lap , so that she found herself straddling him , her naked breasts pressed against the sensuous roughness of his chest , with only thin swimming costumes protecting her from ultimate intimacy .
13 Both had been pardoned by Menem in October 1989 [ see pp. 36972-73 ] and subsequently cashiered , but Seineldin had been re-arrested and sentenced on Oct. 22 to 60 days ' military detention in San Martín de los Andes , 1,500 km from Buenos Aires , for bypassing the Army chain of command and writing directly to Menem warning him of growing discontent within the Army [ see p. 37853 ] .
14 For the rest , the older generation and the perennially mathematically innocent , it will be best to start by thinking of a vector as something like an arrow directing us from one point to another .
15 Having the opportunity to do some work from home is of great assistance providing me with extra flexibility to help balance and organise my professional and domestic commitments . ’
16 As he put the glass to his lips to wash out the thought , his eye caught the soldierly portraits all around , the Divisional insignia above the mantelpiece , the roll of battle honours flanking them on each side , and he had a sudden vision of the mess walls decorated not with these trumpery monuments to man 's stupidity but with the torn and mangled limbs of countless unfortunates and , in the place of honour , Corporal Byford 's shattered , still bleeding leg .
17 As I began to serve more regularly I became more accepted amongst the older stalwarts of the service , my naval experience and general seamanship picked up on fishing craft and yachts standing me in good stead .
18 Before she could break away one arm had snaked round her shoulders , pulling her towards him and crushing her face against his chest , then his dark head was obliterating the light , his hot lips seeking hers and to her shame finding them without any difficulty .
19 The act of the king touching them in this way protects them from the otherwise dangerous consequences of being in contact with the power of the king .
20 If a method of collecting evidence is reliable , it means that anybody else using this method , or the same person using it at another time , would come up with the same results .
21 He has been a fantastic friend helping me with financial work . ’
22 ‘ The Secretary of State , in exercise of the powers conferred on him by section 21(1) , ( 2 ) and ( 3 ) of the Oil and Gas ( Enterprise ) Act 1982 , and of all other powers enabling him in that behalf , hereby makes the following Order : ’
23 It is important to take a wider view of social policy development relating it to economic policy .
24 Mr Morgan and his organ releasing them into hysterical laughter had anaesthetized the horror of the past .
25 The main reason for this lack of use appears have been uncertainty regarding the potential of such a source , a small number of companies indicated that cost was a factor deterring them from this type of information .
26 They passed two landings , Gordon following her with majestic tread , but faster than one might expect , since although he had lost time in hanging up his raincoat in the hall , he reached the door first , and opened it without any kind of announcement , and Edward was standing , with his back to them at first , thinner and smaller than she remembered , but then she always made the mistake when she had n't seen him for a bit — he turned round , protesting , and it was Edward .
27 Then the hotel ( ‘ Charlie sent us , ’ ) and the assistant manager drawing her to one side ( ‘ I 'm putting you in a suite for a couple of hours .
28 Since then the Edinburgh Zoo has seen upwards of 50 000 people using it for this purpose in a year .
29 Life was not quite a state of nature or a question of the survival of the fittest , but in times of no food parcels the partition separating us from that state was unpleasantly thin and even at the best of times it was thin enough to be able to hear most of what went on on the other side .
30 The historical process of transforming the world , making it a better place , recovering a pre-lapsarian global Eden in its pristine simplicity , will end up with people selling it to each other by the dollar , pound or yen .
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