Example sentences of "[noun] [v-ing] [prep] [art] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The following month he publicly waived the death sentence hanging over the organizers of the second coup attempt of 1983 .
2 Modules may be offered as free-standing units or in integrated modular programmes depending on the needs of various client groups .
3 It is therefore primarily an adult process , but will take different forms depending on the circumstances of the participants .
4 It is clear that these organizations have different points of unity depending on the concerns of their members .
5 Moths fluttered in the light of lamps hanging from the trees as if dancing to the soft , rhythmic jingle of the cicadas .
6 In effect , this measures the additional UK national income deriving from the purchases of inputs .
7 Another marked contrast between Welsh and English practice is in regard to provision stemming from the recommendations of the 1975 and 1978 Haycocks Reports on the training of full-time and part-time teachers of further education respectively .
8 Yet when he trilled on the water-whistle , he seemed to create birds singing in the branches of invisible trees overhead .
9 Materiality is the monetary amount of misstatement which would affect the user of an account ; the amount is a matter of judgement depending on the circumstances of the case .
10 There was one other person on the terrace , a swarthy man with a blue nylon shirt sticking to the contours of his body .
11 Should assemblies be merely institutions reacting to the initiatives of the executive ?
12 The insignificant proportion of men in the £3 — £9 range would appear on the face of things to betoken no handicraft beyond what would suffice to satisfy demand in a small hundred , while the many nils , amounting to very nearly one-third of the total , strongly suggests that many of the inhabitants of Walsingham were mendicants subsisting on the alms of the faithful .
13 The third conclusion is that the reduction of socio-economic inequalities of use and outcome depends as much on government policies relating to the areas of work , the environment , income , etc. , as on social policies .
14 An essay is made up of parts , each part relating to the parts around it , with a forward movement so that what comes first leads to what comes next .
15 The ethical positivist is likely to seek the development of three broad directions ; first , the drafting and annunciation through the UN of a comprehensive set of rules applying to the relationships between states , including where necessary cognisance of those aspects of internal affairs which are of international significance .
16 We would spend the afternoon walking through the streets of Verona in the twilight which , with the prevailing fog , lasted most of the after noon .
17 He believed that reality was best approached through work or its cessation , whether in the shape of miners in the Borinage , labourers digging streets in The Hague , the poor waiting submissively in long lines in soup kitchens , or old men in broken top hats walking through the gates of almshouses .
18 Each old person admitted to residential care should sign a contract relating to the rights of residents for accommodation services and continuing personal independence ( Wagner , 1988 , p. 37 ) .
19 The former , while mainly concerned with the technicalities of Treasury operations , made a number of proposals relating to the functions of senior civil servants .
20 We pedalled eastwards , first past the new Royal Palace — a weird , menacing building with bats hanging in the trees like handbags — and on to the great domed stupa , or Buddhist monument , of Bodnath .
21 The electorate did not need to be a democratic one , and as a general rule was not ; all that was needed was an electorate consisting of the men of substance , so that the government would be responsive to their choices .
22 To this add some good ensemble singing from the ladies in particular and some well focused if robust playing from the orchestra pit ( conductor Arthur Berwick ) and the stage is set for a successful run .
23 Although professionalism was restricted and most governing sports bodies held themselves aloof from the pursuit of profit , the impression remains that sport soon became part of a ‘ leisure , industry catering for the needs of a new kind of urban consumer .
24 Second , as the tension is released and the muscles go limp they become effectively dead weight hanging upon the bones of the skeleton .
25 After the interval the all-female Mix-ups team moved into top gear seeing off the challenges of Martin 's Babes and Coshquin Exiles .
26 The owner 's son , a silent , backward man in his early twenties , was crouched by the lever that operated the wheel , struggling to stop the wind whipping over the pages of his comic .
27 That was the clue : the wind whipping round the cheeks in The Great Outdoors was the culprit .
28 For this reason , instead of joining in the stampede for the latest and newest , I suggest it would be more prudent to wait for a year or two to see if the strawberry blonde holds her place as a glamour queen , or in reality is a blowzy old dame hobbling into the has-beens in the back row of the chorus , where she will find plenty to keep her company .
29 A rise in either government expenditure or the quantity of money will shift the aggregate demand curve to the right , the exact size of the effect depending upon the slopes of the IS and LM curves .
30 Tillyard ( 1918b ) has studied the hairs occurring on the wings of the most primitive groups of Holometabola .
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