Example sentences of "[noun] [v-ing] [conj] [noun] [verb] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Fran had n't expected to sleep , but she did , deeply and dreamlessly , and awoke to the sound of birds singing and sunlight streaming in through the window .
2 A wire balloon should be fitted into the top of each downpipe to prevent birds nesting and debris getting down the pipe
3 There was mass saluting , mass mumbling and mass pouring out of the door .
4 She heard the sound of twigs cracking as Bridget came up behind her .
5 ‘ I share with David an ’ he 's bound to keep comin' in to see what we'se doin' and Edward has n't had a room of his own ever .
6 Under the 1985 Pressler Amendment to the Foreign Assistance Act , US aid to Pakistan was dependent on the President certifying that Pakistan did not possess a " nuclear explosive device " .
7 Martin charging down on Dobson ; Martin , eyes glaring and lips drawn back in a feral snarl ; Martin , arm raised and baton coming down again and again on Dobson 's head ; Martin , growling savagely at the yobs , daring them to interfere ; Martin , turing angrily as the sergeant pulled the baton from his hand ; finally , Martin , white and shaking , as he looked down disbelievingly at the unconscious Dobson .
8 Last week their friends and relatives staged a demonstration alleging that police covered up evidence that would have supported that claim .
9 PERSONNEL POWER THE FIGHT AGAINST FRAUD Ensuring that employees do not compromise computer security can be a matter of putting appropriate personnel procedures in place
10 At the April 24 ACE Executive Advisory Board meeting that Compaq did n't attend because it knew it was going to resign , ACE decided to invite the Open Software Foundation , a non-member , to participate in some fashion .
11 In particular , principals have suffered the largest fall suggesting that fees declined relatively more than salaries .
12 Now as a traditional climber I find the emergence of these new activities such as sport abseiling and sport climbing somewhat sterilised and regulated , but I suppose there is plenty of room in Britain for all offshoots and variations of the parent activity , and we must accept these developments with open arms as we did bolts and competitions .
13 Moreover , it seems that their motivation to perform behaviour such as wing flapping and wing stretching actually increases during confinement in a battery cage .
14 In Use The main facilities Mainlan offers are File sharing and Printer Sharing together with an Electronic Mail system .
15 ‘ It 's nice to be able to say that I saw that big right coming but Ruddock did n't , in fact I do n't think he saw anything that came his way .
16 Beef cattle rearing and sheep predominate over large upland areas in the north , northwest and northeast .
17 Some stories saying that Gravier has recently been seen in Miami and Argentina are advanced to support this theory . )
18 So if you 've got a violin lesson this morning seeing as Susan did n't have her flute lesson this week .
19 Dingles at Exeter staged a fun event with staff dressing as rabbits to give away badges , sweets , pencil sets , a Peter Rabbit video and even carrot cake .
20 Yes if erm two girls were in a toilet you were fined and they used to stop the money , oh yes two girls were fined it was a very strict there it was er quite as strict there as it was a H & T Hornes and erm you , you but you could have a drink there , but er at one time before they allowed a drink , a cup of tea , the men used to , someone to watch to see if , when we were working in the top shop cos we could see if anyone came up the , up the shop into , from the bottom shop into top shop then they put a can on erm on something to boil you see and er oh and we got a little sto coal stove to heat the shop , no central heating pipes or anything like that , and they put er someone you could see anyone coming up the , up the steps and er anyway there was someone , one of the bosses coming up so they erm whipped the can off , ran round the back of the bench wh where there were a lot of hand presses going and Mr walked straight he was only mad that off the can of boiling water
21 But they ca n't see trains coming and drivers do n't know there is anyone inside the box .
22 Is Dr Campbell saying that Christ did not really take our sin upon himself but acted as if he did ?
23 It is in this kind of work that the distinction between policy making and implementation becomes so unclear .
24 Whether it is the kind of high quality housing that Myra lives in , or the rotten housing that the people studied by Coates and Silburn in the Nottingham slum of St Ann 's once lived in , and which people in leaking tower blocks continue to live in ( Campbell , 1984 ) , the end product is work .
25 I think they are settling for next season hoping that Leeds do n't have a terrible season this year .
26 Negotiations for the player 's £60,000 transfer to Parkhead are ongoing with Bangor insisting that Byrne plays out the season here .
27 Furthermore , the levels of other biliary electrolytes did not differ among patients with gall stones and controls suggesting that contamination had not occurred .
28 Letters followed from various retired judges and lawyers agreeing that juries performed better when they were ‘ middle aged , middle class and male ’ .
29 And for three decades we 've given our clients a process for better decision making and problem solving up and down the organization .
30 Bush and Gorbachev issued a joint statement demanding that Iraq pull out of Kuwait forthwith , and calling on the world community to adhere to UN sanctions against Iraq .
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