Example sentences of "[noun] [v-ing] [pron] [noun pl] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Todd from Neighbours also highlights another problem often seen ; he would have difficulty depositing his cans in the ‘ Save-A-Can ’ skip as it is clearly full to the top .
2 In a haggard era which finds loud lies smothering truths in every crib and pallet and bed , and with the older authors banging their skulls against the Wailing Wall , this young poet and novelist dares deny that the great God Pan is dead .
3 Taylor added : ‘ What is wrong with the Saturday tradition of a fan meeting his pals at the pub , then going to the game ?
4 Or Strauss expressing his fears of the ‘ Philistine , the obtuse vindictive critic ’ ?
5 Bollards are to be put up outside Bells stores in Corporation Road , to prevent shoppers parking their cars on the pavement , and near Greenbank Post Office .
6 His book My Water Cure describes the findings of a lifetime of practice directing his patients to the healing and restoring powers of water .
7 The scenery all around is magnificent and the town itself with its traffic free high street now has lots of well established shops displaying their wares in the attractive style .
8 A favoured means of hosting a concert was the ‘ kvartir-nik ’ ( flat-nik ) : loyal fans surrendering their flats for the purposes of performance .
9 ‘ Those bruises were caused by her assailant gripping her arms during the attack . ’
10 Clement wrote a pamphlet giving his reasons for the split and accusing Wilson of mismanagement , irresponsible militancy and the encouragement of foreign seamen into Britain , presumably because of his refusal to accept a rule which would debar them from membership .
11 Mr Grierson explained : ‘ You get the real fans stopping their cars at the top of the hill and then playing Dire Strait 's Going Home — the theme from the film — as they drive down the brae .
12 No wicker chairs could be seen there now , only a rusty harrow baring its teeth in the long grass like a mantrap .
13 She would watch the harvesters swinging their scythes through the open corn and , towards the close of day , she would appear in the path of the lad who looked strongest and most virile .
14 Yet we can find evidence of LEAs taking their responsibilities under the Act for involving parents very seriously , presenting information and reports in ways designed to make the assessment meaningful and accessible to parents .
15 By its very nature , therefore , things tend to go wrong ; from the original modifier with all the ideas leaving the company , to the clients changing their minds about the facilities required .
16 Had he been less brilliant or sure of himself , he would have been easier to dismiss , but Cooper selected his victims with care , knowing precisely where their weaknesses were , and always aimed to draw blood , each review increasing his enemies within the international art establishment ( see The Art Newspaper , No. 17 , April 1992 , p. 2 for his dealings with John Rothenstein ) .
17 All over Britain it was the same story — with shops re-stocking their shelves as the rush to read our stunning scoop continued .
18 About a hundred and fifty feet down the side of the hill was Sal 's VW Golf lying on its roof waving its wheels at the sky .
19 Downing Street strategists planning their tactics as the battle for hearts and minds over monetary union enters a crucial phase would be wrong , therefore , to assume that Bonn is a natural ally .
20 Parts of the University as diverse as History of Art , English , Sociology , Medicine , Continuing Education and the Information Office have produced authors following their fascinations with the rich history of the city of Bristol , as well as respected local historians such as the archaeologist Leslie Grinsell , and former City Archivist Elizabeth Ralph .
21 As William grew , stories filtered out about the Prince joining his son in the bath , of William flushing his shoes down the lavatory or of Charles cutting short engagements to be with his family .
22 This relationship takes the form of the Public Account Committee basing its investigations on the reports submitted by the C. and A.G.
23 Now I think of an animal or a small child depositing its excreta in the wrong place so as to annoy its owner or parent .
24 His lips touched hers like a butterfly brushing its wings against the sweet , soft petal of a flower .
25 The Indian government has made its final decision to sign the protocol dependent on the industrialized countries meeting their commitments on the transfer of technology in full .
26 Around the Golden Throne was a mural depicting a magnificent sun sending its rays across the heavens .
27 The only dodgy graphic is the loading screen with a bloke holding his arms in the ‘ dig ’ position and a caption saying ‘ Enjoy with us ! ’
28 Letter to Councillor Fraser from the secretary of Ratho and District Community Council stating their objections to the Murray/Mercer Hermiston Development plans .
29 There must have been at least twenty cavalrymen rowelling their horses down the cart track .
30 Its skull , however , has the crucial feature which neither the coelacanth nor the lungfish possess — a passage linking its nostrils with the roof of its mouth .
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