Example sentences of "[noun] [v-ing] [pron] [noun sg] at the " in BNC.

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1 Fran forced herself to sound cool and friendly , to betray no hint of the fear twisting her heart at the thought of what she might discover .
2 The prospect of another delay prompted the shadow Scottish secretary , Tom Clarke , to write to Mr Lang expressing his disappointment at the postponement .
3 The six clients attending our group at the Bristol Eating Disorder Clinic had been referred by their GPs .
4 WALES , the Soviet Union and West Germany are three new nations making their debut at the 15th Hong Kong Sevens , to be staged from 31 March to 1 April next year .
5 Parents at Heiton may have a case for taking out an interim interdict to stop the council closing their school at the end of the term . ’
6 Ekelund and Tollison ( 1986 ) and Lewin ( 1988 ) note that the Austrian school ( associated in particular with Hayek ) see the macro consequences as being the result of microeconomic-motivated actions and some macro actions finding their impact at the micro level ; for example , industrial , regional and other policies often adopt subsidies to maintain an output and employment target ( see chapter 5 ) in a particular industry .
7 ‘ Comin' here stealin' our slave labour , ’ bellowed the other shaking his fist at the sky .
8 An applicant for such a grant requires to lodge with his application a plan of the premises to which the application relates and to display a notice intimating his application at the proposed premises ( subss. ( 2 ) and ( 3 ) ) .
9 This can be multiplied manyfold in its unpleasantness , if you are a woman emptying your bladder at the time .
10 The photograph shows Guinness Ghana distribution manager briefing his team at the brewery in Kumasi .
11 Congress also approved the party 's second political platform and 10-year socioeconomic plan , both of which had been the subject of widespread , and often contentious , debate following their adoption at the party 's 10th plenum held in November 1990 [ see p. 37916 ] .
12 I could have vomited with fear and had difficulty controlling my breathing at the silent horrors my master described .
13 Life showing its arse at the universal party . ’
14 The selectors have chosen artists making their mark at the time : Allen Jones , Howard Hodgkin , Bridget Riley and David Hockney .
15 Fourth place went to Robert Holden from New Zealand who first appeared on the leaderboard on lap two , the consistent Duffus was fifth and Terry Rymer making his debut at the North West sixth .
16 Lowe happened to have a Manly Rugby Club official building his house at the time and the official acted as an intermediary between Lowe and Ofahengaue .
17 Last year congress carried a motion on racism and fascism expressing its alarm at the rise of fascism and racism in Germany and France this has always been a trade union issue .
18 Cheltenham Borough Council has passed a motion expressing its outrage at the murder and has promised to imrove security in the town .
19 In Strasbourg , the 23-nation Council of Europe issued a statement expressing its indignation at the killing .
20 This was supposed to have been the event where he at last assumed his rightful position at the summit of the athletics world following his nightmare at the Olympics .
21 INJURED North West 200 rider Jim Courtney was described as ‘ satisfactory ’ in Coleraine hospital following his crash at the circuit today .
22 He can turn his head away from the screams , the pleas , the heart-rending shouts that split the night air — suffering human beings screeching their injustice at the outside world .
23 Clearly Oswiu experienced a tremendous increase in personal power and prestige following his victory at the Winwaed .
24 I certainly feel like celebrat ing my painting at the moment — I have n't done any for weeks .
25 It had me rolling on the floor to see Schmeichel blowing his top at the scum defence .
26 They left , with Shamus and Bridget waving them goodbye at the door .
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