Example sentences of "[noun] [v-ing] [pron] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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31 In Christianity , the problems in the emotional life of humanity are handled by one of the company of brothers offering himself as a sacrificial victim to the father , to redeem the brothers for the murder of the father — the original sin which haunts the brothers .
32 Having always been aware of the Cathedral I 've often wondered what impact it has on visitors seeing it for the first time .
33 They sold well enough to justify a second edition , completely re-set , with a few misprints corrected , with the countertenor solos removed from the alto clef to the treble in tactful acknowledgement of the amateur market , and with a title-page announcing it as a new edition .
34 Thus , in the context of consensual sexual activity with a girl under the age of 16 , it states : ‘ Most of us think that acts such as oral sex are extremely serious ( perhaps more likely to disturb a young girl meeting them for the first time than sexual intercourse ) . ’
35 On his way home to Philibert Place one day , Marco wanders through an alley to waste ground where a hunchbacked boy pushing himself on a makeshift trolley is reading to his ragged companions from a newspaper — about Samavia .
36 Decisions should also be reached as to whether appointment lists should be displayed in the school and parents invited to come in to choose a discussion time or whether staff will decide and write to parents informing them of an allocated time .
37 As Pound confessed in another letter in 1933 : ‘ Most Cantos have in them ‘ binding matter ’ , i.e. lines holding them into the whole poem and these passages do n't much help the reader of an isolated fragment …
38 Still , Will had driven from his Stockport home for the twin purposes of getting some exercise and talking about his book , and neither he nor I fancied a day in sad cafe ambience doing nothing but the latter .
39 A letter was sent to the parish officers of Kempston informing them of the gross impropriety of their conduct respecting the patient and the institution .
40 Within months , some clients had in excess of 25 dealers contacting them from the same firm ; many were also being contacted from other licensed dealers .
41 The success rate of lawyers was consistently better than that of trades union representatives and of individuals representing themselves over the four years from 1979 to 1982 covered ( DoE , 1984 ) .
42 A starling anointing itself with the defensive fluids of an ant .
43 Meredith trembled , overwhelmed by the sheer proximity of him , the heat and vitality of his body filling her with an unholy excitement .
44 Riders from the Empire sent word to Bretonnia , Kislev , and the southern kingdoms warning them of the inevitable approach of the armada .
45 If anything the gulf separating them from an outside world which uprooted families and whole villages for labour on distant farms , or worse still in factories and mines , which extracted taxes , recruits and grain , which subjected them to constant brutality and humiliation grew steadily wider .
46 Anyway the second school favoured scarlet cross-overs , the lady in charge directing me to a local wool shop where I could buy the yarn and a ( hand knitting ) pattern .
47 Imagine : I was a bit pissed for a start , the object of my complete love was nesting in my rear-view mirror , the corpulent groom — my best friend — who had spent three weeks pleasuring her in the Hellenic sunshine was sitting beside me with a clank of duty-free between his calves , I 'd lost my job , and the other drivers on the road were all tuning up for Formula One .
48 She did mind , though , and , as they were met at the emergency entrance with a wheeled stretcher-bed for Faye and a paged message for Tom summoning him to the renal unit to attend urgently to another patient , her concern for Faye 's condition battled for priority in her thoughts with painful images of Marise Wyspianski glowing in the magic aura of Tom 's kiss , and of Tom himself , at the wheel of the Mercedes just moments ago , staring so grimly into the Christmas Eve traffic .
49 I 'm just a little bit concerned that if we do delay it while discussions are going on about the unitary authorities and such like , we 'll put restrictions on Mr running it as a commercial enterprise , and I think we have got to make sure that any long term deferral on this , we do n't inhibit him rationalising selling off the odd cottage and this sort of thing , and the farmhouse as we go along , and amalgamating ones because I think it 's , he 's got to be able to run it as a commercial proposition during the course of deliberations .
50 The idle flap of the hand again , and round the next corner was another tank , then a third , hull down in the long grass like old dogs sunning themselves on a lazy day .
51 Nature in our garden seems to stretch about as far as our three Indian runner ducks , whose sole interests in life are lettuce , bread and little things which wriggle ; and the frogs in the pond who spend summer days sunning themselves on the warm cement slabs surrounding the off-green water .
52 ‘ We 're always on the look-out for stories of good performance and good practice somewhere in the group , ’ says Jones , who writes all the copy in a job taking him on a growing number of foreign assignments .
53 Is there any point taking it to a local Sainsburys ?
54 What Benjamin means by ‘ aura ’ or ‘ auratic art ’ is very much what Weber meant by the aesthetic in modernity constituting itself as a separate value sphere .
55 Claudia drifted back slowly to see Roman watching her with a closed expression that sent shivers running through her , banishing the ecstasy of his lovemaking .
56 Hip hop is the sound of threatened individuals asserting themselves against an uncaring world , taking on all comers and dispensing rough ( social ) justice or vengeance .
57 Newman and Copland walked to the edge of the entrance , a grenade silencing one post a mere 25 yards away ; over the water the searchlight of the Mole could be seen beamed on the river .
58 And are we to think that this loving God really wants us to linger on in pain and without dignity when , according to the same dogma , He is in any case calling us to a better life ?
59 ‘ Is your sister expecting you at a specific time ? ’ asked Penry when they were on the way to Haverfordwest at last .
60 Whereas in the past such external supports of the superego might have been strong enough to compensate at least in part for faulty superego development as a result of difficulties at the phallic-Oedipal stage and might have contributed to the unresolved Oedipal conflict expressing itself as a typical hysteria or obsessional neurosis , today , because such supports are in large part lacking , the outcome is not likely to be the same .
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