Example sentences of "[noun] [v-ing] [prep] him [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 That was when he saw the thin figure jogging towards him in the gloom , and heard the roar of engines come up fast behind him .
2 He turned , watching the priest coming towards him through the falling snow .
3 Father was a huge figure bending over him in the dark .
4 He glanced in to find Nadine Cunningham smiling at him from the driver 's seat .
5 Mr. Back Q.C. , for the appellant , contended that if Mr. Occhi consented to the appellant taking the £6 , he consented to the property in the money passing from him to the appellant and that the appellant had not , therefore , appropriated property belonging to another .
6 It was an hour before he was discovered missing and we spent the rest of the afternoon searching for him in the woods and plains surrounding the house .
7 The surety often takes the position from motives of friendship to the debtor , and generally not as a result of any direct bargaining between him and the creditor , or in consideration of any remuneration passing to him from the creditor .
8 Rincewind pounded down an alley , paying no heed to the screams of rage coming from the picture box , and cleared a high wall with his frayed robe flapping around him like the feathers of a dishevelled jackdaw .
9 He did not hear Lissa calling to him across the haze that separated them , and he would not come to her .
10 A further family link with Eliot was momentarily established in 1941 by the fact that my sister attended a poetry reading by him under the auspices of the English Association .
11 He had already acquired some ex-episcopal lands back in 1647–8 , in settlement of earlier debts owing to him on the public faith .
12 Andrew sat down on the corner of the bed , his aged and baggy trousers flaring about him like the leggings of a geriatric Zouave .
13 When he straightened up he saw Laidlaw looking at him across the roof of the car , a faint smile on his lips .
14 The cap fixed him securely to the board , with his airborne body trembling behind him like the handle of a plunged dagger .
15 The Prime Minister can not stand Enoch Powell 's steely and accusing eye looking at him across the table any more , and I 've had to move him down the side . ’
16 The forest of the night always made him shiver — the association with nameless terrors peering at him through the jungle of a Rousseau painting on his childhood wall .
17 His fleshy paunch was hanging over his sweaty jeans with the legs of his trousers clinging to him with the viscosity of four week old socks sticking to the bedroom wall .
18 Worse , I could see clearly the image of Mala clinging to him within the circle of the powerful golden arm .
19 She noticed the way his chest heaved , the rivers of desire flowing from him across the room to burn her body with unbearable heat .
20 He apologized when he was close enough , because he guessed he had n't been able to hear Lavinia calling to him above the noise of the Suffolk Punch .
21 Things , however , came to a head one day when a veterinary surgeon on his rounds , in a regulation Volvo estate , was alarmed to see Noddy tearing towards him on the wrong side of the road , in hot pursuit of a Transit van .
22 Any horrors waiting for him in the future were compensated by this moment in time .
23 He found a mirror , stuck candles at either side of it and sat , naked , before it , the sweat drying on him as the warm undulation of night air moved into the room .
24 The general assumption of Gratian and his collaborators ( ironically they may well have been monks working with him in the Camaldolese monastery in Bologna and not the new secular law clerks of the future ) was that the contradictions in the early canon law were only superficial or apparent .
25 With Alan Leonard leading for him in the pairs semi-final , Graham got off to a 6-0 lead after five ends but Talbot and Nutt came storming back to open a 12-8 lead after 15 ends and after that never really looked like losing .
26 There were fans everywhere and people chasing after him in the streets .
27 To his surprise he saw Timothy nodding at him through the dimness , before he 'd finished speaking .
28 There was the thin voice beating at him across the desk .
29 He envied Boxer Sullivan waiting for him in the farmhouse , as like as not with a bottle of beer in front of him or at the very least a cup of tea .
30 After Charlie had finished dressing , he found Sal and Kitty waiting for him by the front door , but he refused to allow them to accompany him to the station , despite their tearful protest .
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