Example sentences of "[noun] [num] [verb] that [adj] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 A joint CRN-CCAOD communiqué broadcast on March 30 said that free elections at municipal , legislative and presidential level would be held before Jan. 1 , 1992 , and that the army would return to barracks on Jan. 20 .
2 Chapter 1 noted that competitive conditions in many product markets are such that they are likely to be tolerant of managerial ineffectiveness and in some substantial deviations from the profit goal will not be incompatible with enterprise survival .
3 Lusinchi , then President , on Jan. 28 denied that human rights were being violated .
4 Figure 5.22 shows that developing countries such as Nigeria , Indonesia and Egypt consume a mere fraction of the energy consumed by countries such as the UK and Australia .
5 Figure 3.5 illustrates that new starts are less stable than established firms , and that exogenous firms are less likely than indigenous firms to create male and skilled employment .
6 To increase foreign investment the government in March 1991 announced that foreign firms would be permitted to repatriate all profits , but that only firms investing more than $2,800,000 would be permitted to retain the three-year tax exemption previously enjoyed by all foreign firms .
7 A French government report released on July 2 showed that foreign orders for French weapons had soared by 70 per cent in 1990 to F33,400 million ( US$5,400 million ) , largely because of the Gulf war .
8 Section 4 of the Business Names Act 1985 requires that sole traders who operate their business in any name other than their own must display their own name clearly on all business letters , invoices , receipts , written orders for goods , etc. to be supplied to the business , and written demands for payment of debts owing to the business .
9 The Financial Times of Sept. 22 reported that pro-Chinese associations had won 12 of the 16 elective seats .
10 For example : Law 2 argued that urban areas will absorb the population of first their immediate rural areas and then even the remote areas ; Law 6 stated that urban dwellers are less migratory than rural inhabitants ; and Law 5 argued that migrants proceeding long distances generally migrate to the great centres of commerce and industry .
11 The expenditure plans revealed in January 1992 showed that increased resources had been made available for health , housing , education , and law and order .
12 Opposition politicians on Sept. 5 alleged that senior officials were involved in corruption and influence peddling in relation to the privatization of state assets .
13 For example : Law 2 argued that urban areas will absorb the population of first their immediate rural areas and then even the remote areas ; Law 6 stated that urban dwellers are less migratory than rural inhabitants ; and Law 5 argued that migrants proceeding long distances generally migrate to the great centres of commerce and industry .
14 The Guardian of May 9 reported that Iraqi troops had fired on US aircraft near the towns of Mosul and Dahuk .
15 Section 28 of the Local Government Act 1988 requires that local authorities ‘ shall not ( a ) intentionally promote homosexuality or publish material with the intention of promoting homosexuality ’ .
16 The lack of in-vitro antibody production in group III suggests that infectious agents such as P carinii , C neoformans , L infantum , Mycobacterium avium-intracellulare , and cytomegalovirus or disorders such as cerebral lymphoma and Kaposi 's sarcoma are not able to activate in vivo T gondii specific B cells by a polyclonal activation mechanism .
17 Article 6 provides that unfair terms shall not bind the consumer but that the contract shall continue to bind the parties upon the remaining terms if it is capable of continuing in existence without the unfair terms .
18 The UGTA , with 800,000 members and affiliated to the FLN , on March 5 declared that current conditions jeopardized the agreement signed in October 1990 [ see p. 37795 ] : price rises resulted from " the misuse of the law on liberalizing prices , the oppressive monetary policy " and black marketeering .
19 The group discussions reported in Appendix II showed that single women with children ( divorced , separated or widowed ) may have particular difficulty getting low-cost credit , often because they themselves are not working : so they get higher-cost credit instead ( the reasons for this are explored further in chapter 5 ) .
20 The Guardian of Feb. 12 said that Kuwaiti refugees arriving in al-Ruweishid , Jordan , had confirmed an outbreak of cholera and worsening food shortages .
21 The US negotiating team , led by Max Kampelman until his retirement in December , had on Oct. 30 proposed that anti-missile tests in space be permitted but that a limit be placed on their scope , with a specific assurance that the USA would limit to 15 the number of satellites deployed in a Strategic Defence Initiative ( SDI , or " Star Wars'-see p. 36760 ) test .
22 The economic embargo imposed by Baghdad in October 1991 meant that local administrators , other state employees and pensioners no longer received their remunerations and the food supply situation became critical [ see also pp. 38548 ; 38598 ] .
23 However , the Financial Times of Oct. 21 reported that Western companies " are likely to remain sceptical … since they are still owed millions of dollars for products delivered to North Korea two decades ago " .
24 Radio of Russia on Feb. 16 said that Russian enterprises had a powerful incentive to acquire roubles , and that because of a lack of roubles , they were being forced to put goods on the market which they had been trying to hold back .
25 The basis for a new statute and manifesto to be adopted by the congress , it was followed by a heated debate which illustrated the division between reformers and conservatives , but the documents approved on Feb. 1 showed that moderate reformers had been victorious .
26 Working Paper 4 states that new patients on a list or changed clinical conditions of existing patients will bring corresponding adjustments to the drugs budget , but it is not clear whether these adjustments will have to be made within the overall regional allocation to the FPC , or whether new funds can be made available during a year in recognition of patient migration .
27 He had been temporary chargé d'affaires at the Netherlands embassy in Baghdad from September to October 1990 , but the Tunisian Foreign Ministry on March 1 said that initial investigations suggested no political motives .
28 It undertook to pass a law by Dec. 31 ensuring that Ukrainian conscripts served only on Ukrainian soil ; called for formation of a parliamentary commission to discuss nationalizing Communist Party assets ; asserted that the Ukraine would not enter into a new union treaty before a new constitution creating a sovereign Ukraine was drafted ; and called a referendum in 1991 " on confidence in the Ukrainian President " , the result of which would determine whether to hold fresh elections by the end of the year .
29 Reports on Dec. 17 suggested that Algerian proposals for the simultaneous withdrawal of US and Iraqi troops had encountered Saudi reluctance and growing Iraqi inflexibility .
30 A statement issued in Vienna by the information bureau of the opposition Supreme Assembly of the Islamic Revolution in Iraq ( SAIRI ) and reported on Dec. 16 announced that senior officers of the Republican Guard had been executed following an alleged coup .
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